Content Student with Two Narrative Writing Skill Improvements in the Aspects of Content and Language Use


a. Language Use

S1 made such significant improvement from the first to the second narrative writing task. In the first narrative writing task, he got 12 that were on the level of fair to poor language use. Then in the second narrative writing task, he got 18 that were on the level of good to average language use. While in the third narrative writing task, the level was still the same with the second narrative writing task, but the score increased from 18 to 21. Focusing on the language use, the writer found that there were some mistakes found on the tenses agreement on the first writing task. S1 did not pay attention to the tenses that should be used in narrative writing. He wrote the story with simple past tense, but some words were still in the simple present tense such as “chase”, “has” and “doesn’t”. They should be written: “chased”, “had” and “did not”. On the second narrative writing task, he started to focus on the simple past tense. There was no simple present tense found in the second writing task. However, the language use mistakes were found in the first and third paragraph. S1 turned out using simple present progressive tense. The words “has been” was found in the first and third paragraph. He should omit those words in order to make a good tense agreement of simple past tense. The language use of the third writing task was better than the second writing task. There was one mistake found in the word “broke” that should be written in the simple present tense. He did not make any mistake on the use of pronouns or prepositions. He learned to be consistent of the use simple past tense in narrative writing. 71

b. Mechanics

S1 had a very poor mechanics aspect on the first narrative writing task with score 2. He had some improvements on the second and third narrative writing task. He got 4 that means his mechanical writing was on the level of good to average. In the first narrative writing task, in which he did not put capitalize on the whole first letters in the beginning of each sentence. He might not pay attention to the use of capital letter in the beginning of the sentences. He might think whether he used capital letter or not, it would never affect to the sentence meaning or construction, whereas they were became totally big mistakes on the mechanical aspect of writing. His structure of sentence was not in a good order because he provided additional word above the sentence in order to revise into good sentences. His bad handwriting also became a problem in order to understand the content of the story. For that reason, he got a really poor score in the first writing task. While in the second and third narrative writing task, he started to write in a good handwriting. The reader could easily read the content of the story better than the first writing task story. He also made improvements in the use of capital letter in the beginning of the sentences. He applied what was being instructed and explained by the teacher.