Scoring of Writing Theoretical Description

30 In this part, the theories with the data analysis are synthesized. Those theories are used to support the data analysis. The results of data analysis are concluded to answer the research questions . They are students‟ narrative writing skill improvements and students‟ perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. Since the first research question is to find out the improvement of students‟ narrative writing skills through the use of digital storytelling, the theories of digital storytelling are used to understand its definition and benefits. According to Behmer 2005 and Normann 2011, they define digital storytelling as a tool to share knowledge and life value in form of spoken narrative and a number of visual through technology. While Ohler, Ware, and Warschauer 2005 mention the benefits of digital storytelling that one of t hem is to increase students‟ motivation. The theories of writing skill by Byrne 1988 and Johnstone, Ashnaugh, and Warfield 2002 are used to enrich the knowledge about writing skill. They explain that writing is much more than putting some characters into sentences and considered as one of the difficult skills. The process of writing theory by McCrimmon 1984 is also used to give steps of students‟ writing process in class. Those processes consist of Planning, Drafting and Revising. Types of Classroom Writing Performance theory provide the explanation of guided writing by Brown 2000, Department for Children, Schools and Families 2007, and Reid 1993. Their theories are used to understand about the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 definition of guided writing and show the types of guided writing that can be applied to students. Based on Reid 1993, one of those types of guided writing is comprehension questions. It is used to guide the students after watching the video of digital storytelling. Besides, the theories of Free Writing by Brown 2000 and Reid 1993 are used to understand the meaning and the function of free writing to be placed in the beginning of the study in class. The theories of Classroom Action Research CAR by McNiff 2002, Bogdan and Biklen 1982, and Hughed 2002 are used as a method of this research. There are four steps of Classroom Action Research, namely Planning, Action, Observation and Reflection. Those steps are modified and synthesized by adding Analyzing step after doing Observation step. Those steps guide the writer in conducting this research. The theory of Narrative Writing by Dumais 1988 and Derewianka 1990 are used to give understanding on narrative writing. The requirements of narrative writing theory by Bram 1995, Kammer 1949, McCrimmon 1984 are used to understand the requirements that are needed in narrative writing. The students are expected to write consider on those requirements. The macro-structures of narrative writing by Labov and Waltezky 1967 and conceptual components of writing by Brown 1991 in J.D. Brown 2000 are used to support the research results and discussion of the result of students‟ narrative writing assessment. The theory of scoring writing is used to assess the stude nts‟ narrative writing by considering four aspects, namely: content, organization, language use, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 and mechanics. Those aspects are provided on the writing scoring rubric by Jacobs et al 1981. The students‟ narrative writing improvements can be seen from the scores given in each aspect of writing. In order to answer the second research question, The Process of Writing by McCrimmon 1984 and The Reasons of Teaching Writing by Harmer 1998 are applied. The process of writing provides three steps in writing activity. The reasons of teaching writing emphasize the importance of teaching writing to students. Those theories are also used to make questions of the questionnaire. 33


This chapter provides the information about how the data were gathered and analyzed. It consists of five parts. They are research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique. The outline of research procedure is provided on the instruments and data gathering technique.

A. Research Method

There were two research questions of this research: 1 does the use of digital storytelling help 8 th grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta to improve their narrative writing skill? and 2 how are the students’ impressions of the implementation of digital storytelling in the learning activity in class? In order to answer those research questions, classroom action research was used. The classroom action research aimed to help 8 th grade students, specifically 8A of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta to improve their narrative writing skill. Those narrative writing skill improvements were limited in terms of content, organization, language use and mechanics. In this case, the aim of this research was in line with Bogdan and Biklen 1982, p. 215 who mentioned the classroom action research aimed to bring out improvement in practice.