Research Objectives Research Significance

9 Using Digital Storytel ling”. The respondents were from the teachers themselves. She interviewed 60 teachers with different degrees of education and teaching period. The researcher found that digital storytelling made the students happy and easy to memorize stories from the digital storytelling. According to those teachers, the greatest difficulty was on the lack of time duration when the class was started. Esleem ‟s research 2012 focused on “The Effectiveness of Using Story Grammar Approach to Develop Reading Skill in the 9 th Grade Students of URWA Schools ”. The researcher compared class A to B with different method to approach the students. It said that there are some differences between the pre-test and post-test of the experimental groups compared to the control group s‟ results. Other previous study was done by Abidin et al 2011. They observed the effect of using digital story on understanding English as a second language. Their respondents were from 6-year-old preschool children in Penang, Malay. From a listening section, a result was revealed that the use of internet-based technology by the 6-year-old preschool children improved their understanding of spoken English as their second language. This research focuses on the improveme nt of students‟ narrative writing skill through the use of digital storytelling, while other previous studies focused on speaking skill. The observing media is different with Septian 2009 who used the old way storytelling and Esleem 2012 who used story grammar approach. This research uses digital storytelling. Comparing to Yoon 2013, Kestha 2013, Esleem 2012, and Abidin et al 2011, their participants were different with this PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 research that uses 8 th grade of junior high school students. In contrast with Esleem 2012 who compared class A to B to analyze the data, the data of this research are analyzed from students‟ narrative writing tasks that are conducted three times.

B. Theoretical Description

There are seven theories that support this research: Digital Storytelling, Writing Skill, Types of Classroom Writing Performance, Reasons of Teaching Writing, Narrative Writing, Classroom Action Research, and Scoring of Writing.

1. Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling becomes the main element discussed in this research. Because of its importance, elements of digital storytelling taken from experts are introduced in order to comprehend what the digital storytelling is.

a. The Definition of Digital Storytelling

According to Behmer 2005, storytelling is believed as a tool to share about life values and knowledge between one and another person. It is a good way of communication because with storytelling, people can exchange their own experiences to others. In this case, people can learn from each other experiences through storytelling. Normann 2011, p. 1 defines digital storytelling as “the combination between spoken narrative, a number of visual, soundtrack and new technology to share story.” It is understood as a concept that focuses on producing and sharing story based on personal experience. That activity of producing and sharing story is