37 3. Observation Observation checklist contained list of statements that were observed during the English teaching-learning class in each meeting or cycle. It was needed to observe students’ condition and the participation in following the English teaching-learning class activities. Those instruments of this research, namely: narrative writing tasks, questionnaires and observation were described on the research procedure. The research procedure is shown on Figure 3.1 below. Figure 3.1 The Research Procedure Planning Implementing Observing Analyzing Reporting Lesson Plans for three meetings with different topics. Digital Storytelling was implemented for one cycle concerned with three meetings. Observation Rubric and Observation Sheet The products of students narrative writing tasks were analyzed by using Jacobs et als writing scoring rubric 1981 in terms of content, organization, language use and mechanics. The questionnaires were analyzed by considering the process of writing by McCrimmon 1984. Findings Planning Action Observation Reflection PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 Based on Figure 3.1, the research procedure was synthesized from the theory of Classroom Action Research CAR by Kemmis and McTarget 1998. They mentioned four steps of CAR that were synthesized into five steps in practice. Those five steps consisted of Planning, Implementing, Observing, Analyzing and Reporting.

E. Data Analysis Technique

1. Narrative Writing Tasks Based on the writing scoring rubric by Jacobs et al 1981 as cited in Weigle 2002, p. 116, the students’ narrative writing tasks were analyzed to find out the improvement by comparing first narrative writing task to third narrative writing task in terms of content, organization, language use and mechanic. The formula of scoring students’ narrative writing skill is described as follows: Notes: T: total score. : students’ scores of those four aspects. : total score of those four aspects. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI