The Definition of Digital Storytelling


b. The Process of Writing

Before the activity of writing, the teachers need to pay attention to the process of writing. The process of writing should be followed by the students in order to make a good writing. This part provides the explanation of the process of writing that guides students in writing activities. Harmer 2001, p. 257 states that in writing, teacher s‟ focuses should be on two things: the product of the writing and the writing process. When focusing on the product, the teachers should consider the aim of a task. In order to make a good product of writing, McCrimmon 1984, pp. 10-11 divides the process of writing into three stages: 1 Planning Planning is a series of strategies designed to find and produce information in writing. In this early stage of writing, a writer can discover what to write. It helps the writer start thinking about selecting the topic and gathering a lot of information to be put on the writing. 2 Drafting Drafting is a series of strategies designed to organize and develop a sustained piece of writing. After planning the topic, a writer should be able to see those subjects of topics in different perspectives. The writer can decide which subject of topics can make better understanding so that they can organize and develop into meaningful clusters. From those clusters, the writer should study the relationship of each cluster and develop them. 15 3 Revising Revising is a series of strategies designed to re-examine and re-evaluate the choices that have been created in a piece of writing. In this stage, after finishing the draft, a writer can make sure what they have done by re-evaluating their writing to be the most productive one. Revising can be done for several times in order to get the fixed writing that has well-constructed grammar, punctuation, diction, and coherence. c. Components of Writing In order to judge whether the writing is good or bad, the components of writing should be considered. A good content of writing should include some components in it. Table 2.1 shows six components of writing adapted from J.D. Brown 1991 as cited in Brown 2000, p. 357. Table 2.1 Components of Writing Content  topic sentence adapted from thesis statement  related ideas  development of ideas through personal experience, illustration, facts, opinion  use of description, causeeffect, comparison contrast  consistent focus Organization  effectiveness of introduction  logical sequence of ideas  conclusion  appropriate length Discourse  topic sentence  paragraph unity  transitions  discourse markers  cohesion 16 Table 2.1 Components of Writing continued

3. Types of Classroom Writing Performance

In conducting this research, the writing activities belonged to classroom writing performances that were done by 8 th grade students of junior high school. In this case, guided writing and free writing were used as types of classroom writing performance. The explanations are described as follows:

a. Guided Writing

Since 8 th grade students belong to the beginner level of writing, they need some technics to stimulate their abilities and interests in writing. Guided writing is one of the technics to help the students to recall their memories related to the stories to write. In this part, the descriptions of guided writing are explained. Department for Children, Schools and Families 2007, p. 6 defines guided writing as set of additional supported steps toward independent writing. In guided writing, the students are given a specific topic of writing by the teacher. The purpose of guided writing is to help the students to improve their writing skill and to work with increasing independence. Discourse  rhetorical convention  reference  fluency  economy  variation Syntax Vocabulary Mechanics  spelling  punctuation  citation of references if applicable  neatness and appearance