The Characteristics of Classroom Action Research


C. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework based on the theories is synthesized and displayed in the following figure. Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework Questionnaire The questions of the questionnaire are supported and analyzed by considering McCrimmon‟s Process of Writing Theory 1984 Scores Perceptions Digital Storytelling Definition and benefits Narrative Writing Skill Requirements of Narrative Classroom Action Research This research uses Classroom Action Research as a method of the study. It consists of one cycle only concerned with three meetings. First Narrative Writing Task Second Narrative Writing Task Third Narrative Writing Task Writing Assessment There are two kinds of assessment, namely rubric assessment and questionnaire assessment. Rubric Those narrative writing tasks are assessed in terms of content, organization, language use and mechanics. They are synthesized from Jacob et al 1981, Labov Waletzky 1987 and Brown 1991. 30 In this part, the theories with the data analysis are synthesized. Those theories are used to support the data analysis. The results of data analysis are concluded to answer the research questions . They are students‟ narrative writing skill improvements and students‟ perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. Since the first research question is to find out the improvement of students‟ narrative writing skills through the use of digital storytelling, the theories of digital storytelling are used to understand its definition and benefits. According to Behmer 2005 and Normann 2011, they define digital storytelling as a tool to share knowledge and life value in form of spoken narrative and a number of visual through technology. While Ohler, Ware, and Warschauer 2005 mention the benefits of digital storytelling that one of t hem is to increase students‟ motivation. The theories of writing skill by Byrne 1988 and Johnstone, Ashnaugh, and Warfield 2002 are used to enrich the knowledge about writing skill. They explain that writing is much more than putting some characters into sentences and considered as one of the difficult skills. The process of writing theory by McCrimmon 1984 is also used to give steps of students‟ writing process in class. Those processes consist of Planning, Drafting and Revising. Types of Classroom Writing Performance theory provide the explanation of guided writing by Brown 2000, Department for Children, Schools and Families 2007, and Reid 1993. Their theories are used to understand about the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI