The Description of a Syllabus Model Principles Used in Developing Syllabus



This chapter aims to clarify theories which support this research to discover the conceptual truth. It is divided into two parts namely theoretical review and theoretical framework. The theoretical review clarifies the theories of relevant concepts and concepts relation of the research. The last section provides theories to acquire all conceptual model and development product.


The theoretical review clarifies five concepts namely the concepts of a syllabus model, competence-based learning, the vocational high school, the curriculum in the ocational high school, and the ADDIE instructional design.

1. A Syllabus Model

a. The Description of a Syllabus Model

Lessons planning is developed based on the formulation of a syllabus. The term syllabus is defined as “general ideas, a summary, a recapitulation, or main contents or learning materials Salim, 1987, as cited in Majid, 2012, p. 38. Meanwhile Yulaelawati 2004, p. 123 mentions that a syllabus is a set of lesson plans and assessments arranged systematically and accommodate interrelated components to achieve the basic competencies as cited in Majid, 2012, p.39. Therefore, a syllabus is a set of plans and rules about learning activities, class management, and learning assessments. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In other hand, a model is described as a simplified working system to be used as a guideline in conducting certain activities. According to Sagala 2003, p. 175 a model is the conceptual framework used as a guideline in conducting activities. Meanwhile Komarudin as cited in Sagala, 2003, p.175 suggests a model can be understood as: 1 a type or design , 2 a description or analogy used to assist in the visualization of something which cannot be directly observed , 3 a system of assumptions , data, and inferences used to describe an object or event systematically, 4 a design simplified from a working system , a simplified translation of reality , 5 a description of a system which is imaginary , and 6 the reduced presentation in order to explain and demonstrate the nature of its original form. Based on the discussion, a syllabus model in this research is defined as a systematic procedure that can be used as a guide in planning the lessons by organizing learning experiences to achieve particular goals. The syllabus model this research will develop is expected to give benefits for teachers to imitate the systematic procedure in teaching English.

b. Principles Used in Developing Syllabus

Related to the contents of the syllabus, Nurhadi 2004, p.142 mentions some detailed components of a syllabus. A syllabus contains of a brief descriptions of: 1 the subject matter, 2 the grade, 3 The arrangement of basic competencies, 4 materials, 5 learning indicators, 6 learning strategy, 7 time allocation, and 8 learning resources as cited in Majid, 2012, p.40. Those would function as a foundation in developing lesson plans, activities, and asessments. Meanwhile Majid 2012, pp.40-41 also mentions some principles in developing a syllabus. Firstly, it should be scientific. It means the syllabus is composed by experts who are concerned about the subject matter. Secondly, it should focus on the students’ development and needs. A syllabus should have level of difficulties and arrangement of learning topics which adapt the physical and psychological development of the students. Thirdly, a syllabus should be systematic. Syllabus as a system means it is a unity which has some goals and some interrelated components. Fourthly, based on the Department of National Education 20014, ibid the syllabus should be relevant, consistent, and enough. Composing a syllabus should relevant, consistent, and enough within the core competencies, basic competencies, evaluation system, and learning resources. The Department of National Education 2004 proposed seven steps to develop a syllabus. First, writing the identity of the subject matter. The second is composing the core competencies. Core competencies can be defined as a framework explaining the basics in developing the structured learning program. The third is composing the basic competencies. Basic competencies are the descriptions of core competencies. The basic competencies can be described specifically in learning indicators. They show the behavior changes of students which indicates that they have achieved the basic competencies. The fourth is composing the learning materials and the descriptions. Reigeluth 1987, p. 98 classifies learning materials into: facts, concepts, principles, and procedures. Facts are the assositations between objects, phenomena, or symbols. Concepts are a group of objects, or phenomena, or symbols which have similar characteristics and are identified in the similar name. Meanwhile, the principle is the cause-effect relationship between concepts. The procedure means the steps to achieve a goal, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI to solve particular problems, or to make particular things. The fifth is defining the learning process. Last, defining the time allocation. Seventh, defining the learning resources.

2. Competence-Based Learning