Needs Analysis Data from Interviews

having a show in other countries, meeting tourists in a cultural performance, introducing themselves to foreigners, discussing a business project, joining an international event, describing about their paintings, having interview in an international company, selling products, and talking with the employer and other employees. Third question was related to whom students would use English. Mainly, students would use English to people around their working place. Specifically, they would use English with: the owner of international animation movie, the audiences, the working partners, the foreigners, the teacher, friends, people who do not understand their language, collectors from other countries, tourists who watch their performances, the boss, and the person who wants to buy their paintings.

d. Needs Analysis Data from Interviews

After that the interview was conducted to find out any other information related to the students’ needs. It included the information on the students’ learning goals, students’ learning needs, students’ learning facilities, teaching learning obstacles, and students’ initial competence. This research attained some useful information to define the needs of students in vocational high school. The analysis of the interview was presented in the following paragraphs. The first question was what the students’ goals in learning English were. Teachers’ responses were varied, but mainly the result showed a similar response toward the students’ opinion. The main goal was to prepare them in an international working industry in which they would be involved after graduated from vocational high school. A teacher said that students would need English to involve MEA or Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN see App4.1No3. Meanwhile, another teacher said that being performers would have big chances to meet audiences from other countries. Therefore, English was needed see App4.2No3. Another teacher mentioned that the goal depended on the students. Some students were really motivated to learn since they really wanted to improve themselves. However some students learned English because of the duty to pass the examination see App4.3No3. Those who were really motivated are: “Ya… For example being an international animator. Then they will work in a company. Some of them also want to be an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur will also need English because perhaps their customers usually are from other countries” App2.3No3. The second question dealt with the students’ learning needs. The three teachers responded the same ideas. Mainly, students in vocational high school need specific English related to their future carrier. Topics on daily conversation would mostly be needed. Moreover, related to the students’ characteristics, students needed something simple and practical. They did not really like reading long passages see App4.1No4, App4.2No4, App4.3No4. The teacher said, “I think they need materials which will be used in daily conversations. It should be also related to their jobs… The materials should be something simple and practical. Hmm I mean it does not contain a lot of reading passages. Something they will use in daily life” App4.1No4. The third question was related to the students’ learning facilities. The result showed some additional information instead of the data gaining from the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI questionnaires. It showed that those three schools had language laboratories. They had also the access to use the audio and video facilities. However, it did not guarantee that they can use those facilities once in a week or more than two learning hours in a week. Teachers will use it anytime it was needed by an agreement with other teachers before see App4.1No5, App4.2No5, App4.3No5. Related to the internet access, students in those three schools were already familiar to use internet. The schools also provided internet connectivity. Teachers also sometimes asked them to browse materials in the internet see App4.1No5, App4.2No5,App4.3No.5. A teacher said, “We have them already. We have a projector, LCD, and also a speaker. But we share it to all teachers. Thus, we should have an agreement first before using it” App4.1No5. Another teacher said, “We have internet access, sometimes I ask them to browse the materials in the internet” App4.2No5. The fourth question was about the teaching learning obstacles. The results were varied. The similar responses go to the lack of interest in reading long passages See App4.1No6, App4.2No6, and App4.3No6. Other problems were related the students’ attitude, such as being not really motivated see App4.2No6 and being busy with their cell phones see App4.3No6. Problems related to English learning were the lack of vocabulary knowledge see App4.1No6 and difficulty in understanding structure see App4.3No6. The last question was related to the students’ initial competence. The first school contained students from different area in Indonesia. They had different level of English competence. Basically, most of them were good enough. However, some people knew little about English see App4.1No6. Meanwhile, the other two schools showed that the students had good competence. They knew the knowledge of composing simple present tense. Specifically, they were able to introduce themselves using English seeApp4.2No7, App4.3No7.

2. Planning