Research and information collecting Planning

a. Research and information collecting

The first step was research and information collecting. In this part, the first step of ADDIE namely Analysis was conducted. This step aimed at gathering necessary knowledge to set the product. Borg and Gall 1983 mentions that in this step the researcher collects data which are the learners needs, lacks, interests and learning styles p. 776. “This step includes review of literature, class observation, and preparation of report of state of the art Borg and Gall, 1983, p. 775. This part was then named as “Needs Analysis”. Needs analysis aimed to find out needs which were used as a basis of designing the model. The needs analysis in this study was conducted by analyzing some documents related to vocational high school students’ needs. The result of the document analysis was used as the assumed needs. The assumed needs needed to be clarified by delivering questionnaires and conducting interviews with some target-users. Those instruments was also used to discover needs which were not really assumed.

b. Planning

After gaining the necessary data, planning then is conducted. Here, the second step of ADDIE which was Design was applied. Borg Gall 1983, p. 781 argue that a good plan can be helpful in avoiding wasted work in the implementation of the design. Thus, planning is necessary in R D cycle. Borg and Gall 1983, p. 779 explain that the most important point in planning is the particular objectives that want to be achieved by the design. In this step, some preparations of materials and devices were done to support the implementation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI This step included stating the general purposes, specifying the learning objectives, listing topics and determining sequences. The researcher used data obtained from the previous step to determine the goals.

2. The Process of Developing the Development Product