Suggestions for Future Researchers Suggestions for Teachers Suggestions for Students

applies the student-centered concept. Therefore, teachers in vocational high school can apply this syllabus model for their students. This research also can be used as a reference in case that other researchers need particular information related to this R D research. Moreover, by using the product, students can practice English and improve their skills. The materials are also related to their future working fields. Therefore, they can experience the application in the real context.


This part is for suggestions. It provides suggestions for future researchers, English teachers, and students. The suggestions are presented as follows.

1. Suggestions for Future Researchers

This part provides suggestions for future researchers in response to the weaknesses of this research. Due to some constraints related to time and money, the effectiveness of the development product has not been measured. Therefore, future researchers on the effectiveness of the model are welcome. Moreover, the researcher recommends future researchers to develop a syllabus model for the other divisions. They can add some more respondents for the need analysis.

2. Suggestions for Teachers

This part provides suggestions for English teachers. The result of this research shows that the involvement of knowledge, skills and attitude in the syllabus model brings benefits for students. Therefore, the researcher suggests to consider these aspects when they teach. Moreover, this research shows that encouraging students to participate in the learning process is good to present a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI students-centered class. Experiencing the learning process will help students learn better. Teachers should also know the students’ needs and wants, so they will find suitable materials and activities to teach.

3. Suggestions for Students

This part provides suggestions for students. The research shows that the roles of students determine the success of the syllabus model and its learning process. Competence-based learning will not be successfully conducted without any active-involvement from students. It is a students-centered learning. Therefore, the researcher suggests students who are accustomed to be passive in class to motivate themselves to actively involve in the learning process. The researcher also suggests them to keep practicing English. 113 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahmad, D. 2014. Understanding the 2013 Curriculum of English teaching through the teachers and policymakers perspectives. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Educational Development IJERED. 2014 6-15. Alsayed, M. 2003. Factors that contribute to success in learning English as a foreign language. Damascus University Journal. Volume 19, 2003 1-2. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A. 2002. Introduction to research in education 6 th ed.. 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Letters of Permission Appendix 1A A Letter of Requesting Permission for SMK 1 Kasihan SMK 3 Kasihan PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Appendix IB A Letter of Requesting Permission for SMK Putra Tama Appendix IC The Letter of Statement from SMK 1 Kasihan Appendix 1D The Letter of Statement from SMK 3 Kasihan Appendix 2. Needs Analysis Questionnaires Appendix 2A Needs Analysis Questionnaires for Grade X KUESIONER untuk siswa kelas X Kuesioner ini dimaksudkan sebagai pengumpulan data analisis kebutuhan untuk Tesis berjudul A COMPETENCE-BASED ENGLISH SYLLABUS MODEL FOR SOCIO-CULTURAL DIVISIONS OF THE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. Mohon untuk dilengkapi dan dijawab sesuai dengan petunjuk yang ada. Jawaban anda tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap nilai Bahasa Inggris anda. Nama : Kelas : X XI XII Jenis Kelamin : Laki-lakiPerempuan coret jawaban yang tidak diperlukan

A. Berilah tanda centang V pada salah satu kolom yang sesuai dengan pendapat anda