2006 Curriculum Curriculum in the Vocational High School

curriculum. This curriculum made the students as the subjects of learning. It was oriented to instructional purpose, in which the limited time of teaching and learning in classroom should be able to provide learning opportunities for students. This was at the end intended to create effective and beneficial learning opportunities for all students. The next curriculum was the 1994 curriculum, which offered an idea that English syllabus should be developed by a team in order that adequate subject contents could be ensured in the development of the school curriculum Dit. PSMP, 2009, as cited in Nur Madkur, 2014, p. 123. The English curriculum then adopted the schematic representation of communicative competence due to the global changes and science and technology development Nur Madkur, 2014, p. 123. Then in 2004, the Competence-based curriculum or Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi KBK was established. This curriculum was criticized not to provide opportunity for teachers to get involved in the development of the curriculum. As a consequence, the government attempted to improve the curriculum through the establishment of School-based Curriculum SBC or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP in 2006. This curriculum provides opportunities for schools to develop local subjects based on students’ needs. Then in 2013, the new curriculum was released. The discussion on the last two curricula namely 2006 Curriculum and 2013 Curriculum will be discussed in these following subchapters.

b. 2006 Curriculum

2006 Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP or school- based curriculum is a decentralized curriculum where schools can develop the curriculum according to regions and learners characteristics Permendiknas No. 22, 2006. In this curriculum, teachers have opportunity to develop syllabus and lesson plan which are suitable to the learners’ needs. This curriculum involves Core Competencies and Basic Competencies. The development of Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies can be done by teachers based on the characteristics of the learners. Three essential parts are involved in the 2006 Curriculum Department of National Education, 2006. The first part is discourse competence. It is the ability to create and produce oral or written text which is involved in four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The second part is the ability to understand and produce the formal and informal written and spoken texts in daily life. The last scope of English deals with the support competences, namely linguistic competence using grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing, sociocultural competence using formal expressions and grammar in every communication context, strategic competence overcoming problems in many ways which appear through the process of communication so that the communication still take place, and discourse competence using discourse instrument.

c. 2013 Curriculum