The Three-Year Syllabus Layout Design

In terms of competencies, it included particular knowledge, skills, and attitude to achieve. Based on the table, point 1 and 2 represented the achievement of knowledge. Point 2 represented the achievement of skills. Meanwhille, point 4 and 5 represented the achievement of attitude. After all, the concept of the development product of the Competence-based English Syllabus Model was designed.


The presentation of the Competence-based English Syllabus for Socio- cultural Divisions of Vocational High School would answer the second question in the problem formulation. In presenting the model, this research followed the five steps from Borg and Gall 1983: developing the preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, mail field testing, and final product revision. There were also four steps of ADDIE that were included, namely: design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

1. Developing the Preliminary Form of Product

The conceptual model was used as the basis in developing the preliminary form of the product. In this step the first version of the product was designed. It would be divided into two, namely: the three-year syllabus and a sample unit.

a. The Three-Year Syllabus Layout Design

The three-year syllabus was presented to show the whole program of the learning model. It was expected that users could understand the goals, the content, the strengths or advantages of the product. Besides, users could see the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI continuation of the product from grade X, grade XI, and grade XII. The three-year syllabus consisted of several parts, which were the title page, the product description, the summary, and the syllabus. The following subchapters would describe all those parts. 1 Title Page The first page of the syllabus would be the title page. The major title was written as “Syllabus for English Subject in the Vocational High School”. Under the major title, it was “For Socio-cultural Divisions including four specialized programs, namely: Business and Management, Tourism, Performing Arts, and Painting and Crafts. This title page would inform users that the product would not only be used by a single program. It could be used by four specialized programs as they were written. The appearance of the title page is presented below. Figure 4.1 The Appearance of the Title Page see App9.1 2 Product Descriptions The second part was the description of the product. It aimed to help users to know the product before utilizing it. The description was under the subtitle “About the Syllabus”. The appearance of the product description is presented below. Figure 4.2 The Description of the Syllabus see App9.1 3 The Summary The following part was the summary. This part provided the summary of core competencies and the summary of learning topics. It aimed to help users to understand the model. Moreover, it helped experts to assess and give comments. The summary is illustrated in the following tables. About the Syllabus This syllabus is designed to meet the needs of students under socio- cultural divisions of the Vocational High School. The learning objectives listed on core competencies were composed based on three learning aspects: the first one is the knowledge, the second is the skills, and last is the attitude. Basic competencies contain some general situations in which students will use English. They are designed as a continuous program based on the students’ needs on the working demands. Therefore, core competencies and basic competencies in grade X, XI, XII are interrelated. The syllabus is differentiated by its level of difficulties; Grade X is easy, Grade XI is medium, and Grade XII is difficult. Each basic competency requires at least three learning indicators. The-three learning indicators show the achievement of knowledge, skills, and attitude from the student. In terms of knowledge, students should recognize some aspects of the language by identifying the samples for example: expressions, common words, and grammatical knowledge. In terms of skills, students should practice using the language. Meanwhile in terms of attitude, students should show their sincerity and respects in the process of learning. The materials are mainly samples of materials which can be in the form of written dialogues, videos, letters, etc. Students need to analyze those samples and recognize the language aspects used in the samples until finally they understand the concepts. At the end of the learning process, students perform what they have learnt. Teachers guide them by giving feedbacks. The amount of time for each grade is calculated based on 36 effective weeks per year times 4 learning hours per week. It is expected that there will be around 12 learning hours spent on quizzes and repetitions reviews. Finally, the syllabus is designed for 132 learning hours Table 4.3.1 The Summary of Core Competencies See App9.1 Core Competencies for Grade X 1. Identifying the language knowledge used in these situations: expressing simple utterances used in a meeting, describing things needed to hold an exhibition, describing prices and menus used in buying and selling, describing a job vacancy, writing simple letters, expressing simple utterances used when students work in a company, and expressing simple utterances used when students meet tourists. 2. Implementing the skills of using the language used in these situations: expressing simple utterances used in a meeting, describing things needed to hold an exhibition, describing prices and menus used in buying and selling, describing a job vacancy, writing simple letters, expressing simple utterances used when students work in a company, and expressing simple utterances used when students meet tourists. 3. Showing the attitude of sincerity, caring, responsibility, and confidence during the process of learning English. Core Competencies for Grade XI 1. Identifying the language knowledge used in these situations: negotiating with clients in a meeting, presenting products in an exhibition, negotiating prices in buying and selling, writing documents for applying a job, serving customers in a company, and explaining information to tourists. 2. Implementing the skills of using the language used in these situations: negotiating with clients in a meeting, presenting products in an exhibition, negotiating prices used in buying and selling, writing documents for applying a job, serving customers in a company, and explaining information to tourists. 3. Showing the attitude of sincerity, caring, responsibility, and confidence during the process of learning English. Core Competencies for Grade XII 1. Identifying the language knowledge used in these situations: moderating a meeting, delivering a speech in an exhibition, writing some documents used in buying and selling, answering some typical questions in a job interview, understanding some business letters used in a company, talking about important occasions in a company, telling personal plans and experiences to tourists. 2. Implementing the skills of using the language used in these situations: moderating a meeting, delivering a speech in an exhibition, writing some documents used in buying and selling, answering some typical questions in a job interview, understanding some business letters used in a company, talking about important occasions in a company, telling personal plans and experiences to tourists. 3. Showing the attitude of sincerity, caring, responsibility, and confidence during the process of learning English. 82 Table 4.3.2 The Summary of the Three-year Syllabus Grade X Grade XI Grade XII Themes Learning Topics Time hours Themes Learning Topics Time hours Themes Learning Topics Time hours SEMESTER I SEMESTER I SEMESTER I 1. Expressing simple utterances used in a meeting. Greeting people 2 1. Negotiating with clients in a meeting. Opinion 4 1. Moderating a meeting. Moderating a meeting 4 Self- Introduction 4 Suggestions 4 Delivering a Presentation 6 Introducing Others 4 Agreement 4 Describing Feelings 4 Necessity 4 Regrets Apologize 4 Thanking 2 2. Describing things needed to hold an exhibition a show. Time and date 2 2. Presenting products in an exhibition a show. Greeting audiences 4 2. Delivering a speech in an exhibition a show. Presenting a manual 4 Informal invitation 4 Product presentation 6 Delivering a speech 8 Formal Invitation 4 Writing a manual 6 A Response to Formal 4 Complimenting 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Invitation Description of an event 4 Congratulating 4 Description of the products 4 A poster of an exhibition 4 3. Describing prices and menus used in buying and selling. Describing Prices 4 3. Negotiating in buying and selling. Buying and selling 4 3. Writing some documents used in buying and selling. Invoices 4 Writing a Catalogue 4 Bargaining 4 Order letter 4 Describing Menu 4 Convincing and persuading 4 Receiving order letter 4 Preference 4 Making and Receiving an Order 4 Advertisement s 4 Comparison 4 Brochures 4 SEMESTER II 4. Describing a job vacancy. Reading Vacancy Advertiseme nts 2 4. Writing documents for applying a job. Writing a CV 4 4. Answering some typical questions in a job interview. Capabilities 4 Telling about job vacancy 4 Writing an Application 6 Education Background 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Letter Reading Job Requirements 2 Personal Character 4 Telling about job requirements 4 Interests 4 Future Employment 4 Visions Missions 4 SEMESTER II SEMESTER II 5. Writing simple letters used in a company. Writing Memo 2 5. Serving customers in a company. Guest handling 4 5. Understanding some business letters used when students work in a company. Short Messages 4 Writing Announceme nt 4 Telephoning 4 Asking for Permission Letters 4 Reservation 4 Granting Permission Letter 4 Confirmation Cancelation 4 Promotion Letter 4 Arrangement 4 Reports 4 6. Expressing simple Asking Giving 4 Complaints 4 SOP 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI utterances used when students work in a company. Permission Giving Commands 4 Delivering Orders 4 MOU 4 Showing Location 4 Reporting messages 6 6. Expressing utterances used in some important occasions when students work in a company. Assigning New Employee 4 Making an Appointment 4 Talking about Promotion 4 Giving an Announceme nt 4 Talking about Career’s Leave 4 7. Expressing simple utterances used when students meet tourists. Asking and offering helps 4 6. Explaining information to tourists. Descibing Tourism Places 4 7. Telling personal plans and experiences to tourists. Experiences 6 Showing Directions 4 Describing Important Rules 4 Hopes 6 Describing Signs 4 Describing Safety Rules 4 Plans 6 Talking about Health 4 Describing Etiquettes 4 Personal Letter 8 Showing Sympathy 4 Describing People 4 Talking about Take a Walk 4 Describing Upcoming 4 Events Talking about Hobbies 4 Delivering GoodBad News 4 Giving Advice 4 Telling about Transportation 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 The Syllabus The last part was the main part, the syllabus. It consisted of core competencies, basic competencies, learning materials, learning process, assessment, time allocation, and learning resources. In defining the goals generally written in core competencies, more specifically written in basic competencies, and specifically written in learning indicators, it adapted the concept of learning goals in CBL. Based on Richard Rogers 2001, p. 141 that the competence-based learning focuses on the outcomes of learning. It emphasizes on what the learners are expected to do rather than on what materials they are expected to learn. Figure 4.3 The Appearance of the Syllabus see App9.1

b. The Sample Unit Layout Design