1947 - 2004 Curriculum Curriculum in the Vocational High School

demonstrate understanding, and to apply knowledge to new situations. Fifth, they are provided with opportunities to develop and use strategic thinking skills, such as reasoning and problem solving. Last, they are in a safe, supportive environment where value is given to personal ideas and negative emotions, such as fear of punishment and embarrassment.

5. Curriculum in the Vocational High School

a. 1947 - 2004 Curriculum

This part will first clarify on what curriculum is, and then the discussion on the current curriculum implemented in vocational high school will be in the following sub chapters. The word curriculum is originally from Latin with its first meaning is a running, a race, or a course, and its secondary meaning is a race- course or a career Egan, 2003, p. 10. Most educators have the concept of curriculum as “the body of subjects or subject matters set out by teachers for students to cover” Tanner Tanner, 1995, p.151. Meanwhile, Yalden 1987, p. 18 mentions that the curriculum includes the goals, objectives, content, processes, resources, and means of evaluation of all the learning experiences planned for pupils both in and out of school and community through classroom instruction and related program. Moreover, Dubin and Olshtain 1986, pp. 34-35 define a curriculum as “a broad description of general goals by indicating an overall educational cultural philosophy which applies across subjects”. In Indonesia, curriculum is defined as a set of plans and arrangements which cover education goals, contents, learning materials and learning methods intended to serve as the guidelines in implementing the teaching and learning process to achieve the goals that have been set Undang-Undang No. 202003.Therefore, curriculum is a set of instructional activities consisting several important elements namely purpose, content, procedures, resources and tool of assessment. In Indonesia, based on Dit. PSMP Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Directorate of Junior High School Development 2009 as cited in Nur Madkur 2014, pp.121-124 show the government has officially issued 10 different curricula since 1947 up to now. The first curriculum was Rencana Pelajaran in 1947. It implemented the principles of Pancasila. This curriculum had been officially implemented in 1950 because of the revolution war. In 1952, this curriculum was then revised by Rentjana Pelajaran Terurai 1952. The focus is on how to relate the materials with everyday activities. In 1964, the government revised the curriculum with the Educational Plan Rentjana Pendidikan 1964. It focuses on the development of creativity, sense, initiative, work and moral. The fourth was the 1968 Curriculum. It belonged to separate-subject curriculum in which the subject content was logically and systematically sequenced, and the subject is separated from each other. The next revision is through the establishment of the 1975 Curriculum. It aimed to develop four language skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This concept was then revised with the 1984 curriculum in which the teaching of English aimed at putting back the true goals of learning English, which were to achieve meaningfulness and communicative functions. In 1984, a curriculum intended to complete the 1975 curriculum was made. It was called Student Active LearningCara Belajar Siswa Aktif SALCBSA PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI curriculum. This curriculum made the students as the subjects of learning. It was oriented to instructional purpose, in which the limited time of teaching and learning in classroom should be able to provide learning opportunities for students. This was at the end intended to create effective and beneficial learning opportunities for all students. The next curriculum was the 1994 curriculum, which offered an idea that English syllabus should be developed by a team in order that adequate subject contents could be ensured in the development of the school curriculum Dit. PSMP, 2009, as cited in Nur Madkur, 2014, p. 123. The English curriculum then adopted the schematic representation of communicative competence due to the global changes and science and technology development Nur Madkur, 2014, p. 123. Then in 2004, the Competence-based curriculum or Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi KBK was established. This curriculum was criticized not to provide opportunity for teachers to get involved in the development of the curriculum. As a consequence, the government attempted to improve the curriculum through the establishment of School-based Curriculum SBC or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP in 2006. This