4.13 The Appearance of Review part see App9.2

2. Preliminary Field Testing

After designing, the third step of ADDIE which referred to development was conducted. It aimed to describe things which needed improvements. The information was important to develop the product before implementing. Questionnaires were distributed for three English teachers and a lecturer of English Language Study Program. The participants of expert validation is presented as follows. Table 4.3 Validating Experts Participants Gender Educational Background Teaching Experience in year F M S1 S2 S3 1-5 6-10 10 English Lecturer 1 1 1 English Teachers 3 2 1 2 1 The data gathered from three participants. They were chosen based on their expertise. They were considered fully understand about teaching English. The evaluators were three English teachers of vocational high school of SMK Putra Tama Bantul and one lecturer of English Language Education program in Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. Their teaching experiences were varied from 5 until 10 years. All participants should fill in the questionnaire which consisted of twenty items of closed questions and three items of open questions. Table 4.4 Interpretation of the degree of agreement for experts’ validation Range Interpretation ≥4 No Revision. 3.4 - 3.9 Conduct more exploration on the existing part of the designed model based on the statement. 2.8 – 3.3 Add more part or modify part of the designed model based on the lack of the statement. 0.0 – 2.7 Replace the rejected part of the designed model. The data was interpreted to identify the results of the closed-ended questionnaire. The interpretation of the degree of agreement for experts’ validation is presented in table above. Moreover, the experts’ validation results can be summarized as follows. Table 4.5 Experts’ Validation Result No Statements Central Tendency N Mean Criteria 1 The competence-based English Syllabus Model is appropriate for students under Socio-cultural divisions in Vocational High School. 4 4.25 Very High 2 The Competence-based English Syllabus Model meets students’ needs. 4 4.25 Very High 3 The Competence-based English Syllabus Model helps students to enhance their English skills. 4 4.00 Very High 4 The Competence-based English Syllabus Model invites students to participate in the learning process. 4 4.50 Very High 5 The Competence-based English Syllabus Model provides learning materials which are relevant to the students’ future carriers. 4 4.50 Very High 6 The Competence-based English Syllabus Model provides opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes. 4 4.25 Very High 7 Learning objectives are well-formulated in the syllabus. 4 4.00 Very High 8 Learning objectives mentioned in the syllabus are practical and appropriate for the students under socio-cultural divisions. 4 4.25 Very High 9 The learning topics in the syllabus help learners to achieve the learning objectives. 4 4.00 Very High 10 The learning topics in the syllabus are related to the prospective working fields of students under socio- cultural divisions. 4 4.50 Very High 11 The learning process will motivate studentss to learn. 4 4.00 Very High 12 The learning process will help students to achieve the competences. 4 4.00 Very High 13 The assessment can measure the students achievements on the competences. 4 4.00 Very High 14 The assessment is applicable. 4 4.00 Very High 15 The time allocation for each learning topic in the syllabus is appropriate. 4 4.25 Very High 16 The total amount of time is applicable to be done within a year. 4 4.25 Very High 17 The unit is well-designed. 4 4.25 Very High 18 The unit uses appropriate language. 4 4.00 Very High 19 The unit uses clear instructions. 4 4. 00 Very High 20 The materials is relevant to the core competence and basic competences. 4 4.00 Very High 21 Pictures and colors are well-arranged. 4 4.25 Very High 22 The Set Your Goals part helps students to know the purpose of what they are learning. 4 4.50 Very High 23 The Set Your Goals part helps students to know the activities they are going to do. 4 4.25 Very High 24 The Share Your Thoughts part is interesting as an opening activity. 4 4.00 Very High 25 The Share Your Thoughts part enhances the students’ curiousity about the topic. 4 4.00 Very High 26 The Guess the Words part helps students to find the meaning of some difficult words they find in the previous discussion. 4 4.00 Very High 27 The Guess the Words part improves the students’ vocabulary knowledge. 4 4.25 Very High 28 The Read Out Loud part provides appropriate samples for students to analyze. 4 4.25 Very High 29 The Read Out Loud part allows students to relate the language to the real context. 4 4.25 Very High 30 The Language Notes clarifies the aspect of language used in the samples. 4 4.00 Very High 31 The Language Notes enhances the students’ knowledge about the language. 4 4.25 Very High 32 The Let’s Practice part allows students to improve their language skills. 4 4.00 Very High 33 The Let’s Practice part is appropriate for preparing students to the performing activity. 4 4.00 Very High 34 The Let’s Perform part involves students to perform skills they have learnt. 4 4.00 Very High 35 The Let’s Perform part lets students practice using the language as it is in the real context. 4 4.25 Very High The table shows the opinion on the syllabus model from an English lecturer and three English teachers. They choose five points namely strongly disagree 1, disagree 2, doubt 3, agree 4, and strongly disagree 5. The table 4.15 shows the mean for each item started from point 4.00 until 4.50. Therefore, it was found that the average point of central tendency was 4.15 from the scale 5.00. The average point of 4.15 was found by counting all means from each item and then divided by total items. The average point of central tendency belonged to range ≥4 which meant that the designed model was no revision. The learning model was indicated as acceptable. Therefore the syllabus model would be implemented in the classroom. Meanwhile the data from the open questions shows t he participants’ opinion and suggestions. The results would be discussed into three main focuses. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI First, most participants mentioned that the syllabus model was good enough. It was because of some reasons, such as: the learning topics were already good as they were what needed by students, the use of technology devices in the learning activities is a good point, the syllabus was well-arranged, the syllabus was appropriate for students’ competencies since it involves knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the learning activities, the topics were appropriate for SMK students, the unit provided activities that invite students to produce language like speaking and writing, and it encouraged students to communicate. Second, some points were considered weak in the model. Those weaknesses were: there are some repetitions in the exercises, some of the words are mistyped, the head of the column does not break in every continual page, and the numbering is not well- arranged. Third, participants also gave some suggestions for the betterment of the model. They suggested to make different exercises for the students to have broader exposure, give a thought on the word ‘knowledge’ so that it will not miss the concept of competence-based, recheck about the time allocation, provide pictures or real photos, divide activities into some parts, and check the minimal requirements, such as: typing, consistency, and numbering. Overall, the results of experts’ validation showed the Competence-based English Syllabus model was considered as very good and was acceptable to be implemented. The good things from the model were the model provided materials which were relevant to the students’ future carrier, it invited the students to participate in the production of the language, it used technology devices, and it involved knowledge, skills, and attitudes. However the model could be improved PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI by adding some more various exercises, designing more interesting layout, and providing some more authentic pictures. Based on the suggestions and feedbacks from experts’ validation, the model could be improved. The unit was printed in colors. The syllabus was covered by a simple cover. The presentation of the development product is presented as follows. Figure 4.7 Cover of the Three-year Syllabus Figure 4.8 Cover of the Sample Unit Finally, the development product of the Competence-based English Syllabus was in the form of a three-year syllabus and a sample unit. The product was specially designed for Socio-cultural divisions as it was written on the cover. The three-year syllabus was intented to provide students the whole program of competence-based English learning from grade X until grade XII. Meanwhile, the Sample Unit provided the example of the materials and how to conduct the teaching and learning activities. The unit provided eight activities. Mainly the activities were classified into setting learning goals, warming up activity, main activity, and producing activity. Those activities were named as: Share Your PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Thoughts, Guess the Words, Read Out Loud, Language Notes , Let’s Practice, and Let’s Perform, and Review.

3. Implementing and Evaluating the Model