The Relation between The Trends of Research on Attitude and Related

shared similar concept of the investigated issues. Research on these topics were commonly associated with teaching method and English skills and knowledge. These findings are in line with the principle of Competence-based Learning where it views attitude as an integrated competence along with skills and knowledge. In terms of participants, the role and development of attitude and five related learning factors could not be well represented as the researchers tended to use adult learners as their research subject. Research on these topics were mostly intended to find out participants’ motivation, perception, attitude, belief, learning style and learning strategy towards English language teaching and learning. In terms of methodology, the results were almost equal for both quantitative and qualitative methods. However, quantitative method received higher percentage in terms of occurrence. Indeed, questionnaire was found as the most frequently used instrument to obtain the data and followed by interview. Moreover, descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis were found as the most dominant analysis techniques. These results indicate that research on attitude and related learning factors can be conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively. Unfortunately, the use of both sampling and validation techniques is still in a limited number. Therefore, it can be interpreted that English educational researchers within the studied research reports are still less aware about the importance of these two components in conducting research. In terms of results, the findings revealed that most of the participant hold positive perception, attitude and belief towards English language teaching and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI learning. It can be articulated that participants in ICC, OCC and ECC, particularly in Indonesia showed interest and respect towards English teaching and learning. Second, the results of qualitative analysis indicate that English educational research on attitude and related learning factors which were conducted in 2007 to 2016 had not explore many topics of attitude as practiced in 2013 Curriculum. However, they had yielded the principle of Competence-based Learning where attitude is viewed as an integrated competence along with skills and knowledge. It can be seen from the involvement of English skills speaking, writing, reading and listening and knowledge vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation in the investigation of attitude and related learning factors. Indeed, these conclusions have a weakness point due to the main instrument of this research, that is the researcher herself. Therefore, she applied keywords and a table to minimize the subjectivity of the research results. Whereas the strength of this research laid on the qualitative analysis. The previous studies on research trends did not apply qualitative analysis in examining the research reports. Therefore, the results remain on the surface as they simply present the occurrences of the research contents without investigating deeper about the relation of those research trends with the current approach or curriculum. In a nutshell, this research provides information on current trends of English educational research on attitude and related learning factors and their relation with Competence-based Learning. Through the results of this research, an adjustment can be made in order to improve the quality of English education, particularly regarding to attitude in Competence-based Learning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The results of this research have both scientific and practical implications. First, the scientific implication reveals that attitude in English education is commonly integrated with other learning factors such as motivation, belief, perception, learning style and learning strategy. These concepts are related to other components in English language learning such as English skills, knowledge, teaching methods, and even assessment as well. In a nutshell, the findings of this research provide evidence on the theories of attitude and five related learning factors. Regarding to the different concept of attitude, which can be termed as narrow and broad meanings, it is necessary to provide clear explanation on such concept to avoid misunderstanding. Furthermore, considering the trends of research on attitude in which most of them were dealing with attitude in narrow meaning, it can be inferred that English educational researchers within the studied research reports had not been familiar with the concept of attitude in Competence- based Learning. Second, the practical implications are addressed to the practitioners in English education i.e. educators, students, university managers and policy makers to be more aware that there have been many research investigating about attitude and other related learning factors. They can use the results of these investigations to reflect on their own attitude and later to improve their attitude towards English language learning. Furthermore, they can utilize the results of these investigations for decision making whether or not they should make an adjustment or improvement within their situation in English educational context.


This research may have some weaknesses due to the limitations. Therefore, the researcher wants to provide some suggestions for several parties regarding the results of this research. First, for both educators and students, it is highly suggested to pay more attention to their attitude towards English language teaching and learning. It aims to improve the quality of English education and to achieve the goal of national education. This is because the implementation of Competence-based Learning through 2013 Curriculum concerns on the three competences, in which one of them is attitude. Moreover, it demands the students to possess both spiritual and social attitude at the end of learning. Second, for future researchers who have the same interest to conduct research on attitude in English education, they can analyze other unexplored topics related to attitude in its broad meaning so that it will be more relevant with the concept of attitude in Competence-based Learning. It aims to provide more sufficient information on the development and implementation of Competence- based Learning in English education which can be seen through 2013 Curriculum. They also can examine other research reports which were published in different years and originated from different area. Third, for university managers and policy makers of English education, they should monitor the researchers who conduct research on attitude in English education so that future research on this topic will expose more about attitude in Competence-based Learning. Therefore, more sufficient information on the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI