To discover the trends of English educational research on attitude and five related learning factors namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy which have been conducted in 2007 to 2016, the following section presents the results of quantitative analysis. The results are based on the contents of the studied research reports. The contents cover investigated topic, concept clarification of the topic, related topic, origin, participant, research goal, research design and method, data gathering instrument, data analysis technique, sampling technique, validation technique and research result. To understand the analysis better, the results are presented in the form of charts and tables and followed by explanation.

1. Investigated Topic

The investigated topic found within the 100 research reports are presented in the following figure. Several researches were found to examine more than one topic. This explains why the total number of investigated topic is 115, meanwhile the number of the studied research reports is 100. It points out that the topics are related to one another. This notion is derived from the literature review presented in Chapter II. Hence, these findings enhance and support the theories of attitude in which it relates to other concepts such as those presented in Figure 4.2. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 4.1: Investigated Topics Figure 4.1 illustrates the various topics of attitude and five related learning factors in English education which have been investigated in 2007 to 2016. So far, research on these areas have investigated eleven topics as presented in the figure above. However, several topics namely motivation, perception and attitude receive higher attention rather than others. Motivation was found in 26 researches or 22.6 in which it appears as the most studied topic among 100 research reports. It is followed by perception which was investigated in 25 researches or 21.7. Attitude emerges in the third place as it had been examined in 23 researches or 20. Belief, learning strategy and learning style are other learning factors related to attitude which become the researchers ’ interest in the field of English education. There are 14 researches or 12.2 analyzing about belief. 20 12.2 22.6 21.7 6.1 10.4 0.9 2.6 1.7 0.9 0.9 Attitude Belief Motivation Perception Learning Style Learning Strategy Confidence Preference Creativity Honesty Tolerance