Concept Clarification of Attitude and Related Learning Factors

factors and these 11 topics. As presented in the figure, the majority of the research 21 researches or 30 had analyzed about attitude and related learning factors along with learning-teaching method. As seen in the figure, other related topics receive low results. It can be articulated that learning-teaching method is the most common topic to conduct research on in relation to attitude and related learning factors. Other topics commonly found within the studied research reports are English language skills and knowledge. Out of the four language skills, speaking was found as the most common topic related to attitude and related learning factors as it was investigated in nine researches or 12.9. Reading is following with only 1.5 difference as it was found in eight researches or 11.4. Both writing and listening receive the same result as each of them was found in six researches or 8.6. In terms of English knowledge, vocabulary and grammar receive the same result with 5.7 of occurrence as each of them was found in four researches. Among three English knowledge found within the studied research reports, pronunciation receives the smallest result with 2.9 of occurrence. It was found in two researches only. Moreover, some researchers had tried to relate some topics such as assessment, anxiety and test within the investigation of attitude and related learning factors. There are five or 7.1, out of 70 researches, which analyzed about assessment. Meanwhile test was found in four researches or 5.7 and anxiety was solely found in one research or 1.4.

4. Origin

It has been mentioned in the previous chapters that this study focuses on research reports which were conducted in Indonesia, however, for a kind of comparison purpose, several researches from other areas were also taken. Based on the theory of classification area of English see Chapter II, there are three divisions. Those are Inner-Circle countries ICC, Outer-Circle countries OCC, and Expanding-Circle countries ECC in which the majority of countries in Asia, including Indonesia, belong to this division. Therefore, in collecting the research reports, the researcher had used those three classifications. The distribution of the research reports is presented in the following figure. Figure 4.3: Origin of the Research Reports Figure 4.3 presents the area of which the studied researches were conducted. Through the figure it can be seen that the majority of the research on attitude and related learning factors in English education were conducted in 80 10 5 5 Indonesia ECC OCC ICC Indonesia. Among 100 research reports, 80 of them were conducted in this country. Meanwhile, 10 of the research were conducted in the area of Expanding-Circle Countries ECC. Using stratified random sampling, the ten researches of ECC were found from Greece, Lebanon, Russia, Japan, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran. Among these eight countries, three researches were conducted in Iran. Indeed, this division is dominated by Asian countries as explained in Chapter II. Furthermore, each of Outer-Circle Countries OCC and Inner-Circle Countries ICC only contribute five researches due to the limited research on attitude and related learning factors namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy in English education conducted in these areas. In OCC area, four researches were conducted in Malaysia and one research was conducted in India. In ICC area, three researches were conducted in Australia, meanwhile two others were conducted in USA and Canada.

5. Participant

To get an illustration on the current development of English education, indeed, providing more relevant information is required. One possible way to achieve such goal is through conducting research which involves participants i.e. teachers, lecturers, students from various levels of education as many as possible. In terms of participant, nine categories were found within the studied research reports. It should be noted that several researches have more than one type of participant. The findings are presented in the following figure. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 4.4: Participants Figure 4.4 shows the types of participant found within the studied research reports. As seen in the figure, English educational research on attitude and related learning factors had involved various types of participant. Those researches have been conducted on both teacher or lecturer and student from various level of education. There are nine types of participant found from the studied research reports. However, among the types of participants presented in Figure 4.4, university student appears as the most common type of participant. Meanwhile, other categories receive less than 20 of occurrence. Through the huge difference it can be stated that there is a tendency of English educational researchers to choose university student as the research subject instead of other types of participant. English teacher which appear in 20 research reports or 18 of occurrence and high school student which is found in 16 research reports or 14.4 of occurrence, are the next types of participant which become the 6.3 14.4 3.6 46.8 1.8 18 0.9 4.5 3.6 Elementary School Student High school Student Vocational School Student University Student English Course Student English Teacher Native English Teacher Pre-service Teacher Lecturer