Research Design and Method

chosen by researchers to obtain data for research on attitude and related learning factors. Meanwhile document, survey and discussion were employed as well, even though only in a small number of occurrence.

9. Data Analysis Technique

In terms of data analysis technique, quantitative and qualitative are two common types of analysis researchers usually employ. But, some researchers were found to combine both quantitative and qualitative which is termed as mixed analysis. Furthermore, the use of quantitative analysis leads to the implementation of statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, ANOVA, regression, correlation and so on. The results of data analysis techniques used in the studied research reports are presented in the following figure. Figure 4.7: Data Analysis Techniques 33.6 3.5 2.7 2.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 6.2 1.8 1.8 0.9 31.9 12.4 Descriptive Statistics ANOVA Tukey Cronbachs Alpha Regression T-Test Rasch Correlation Mann-Whitney Factor Analysis U-Test Qualitative Mixed The results presented in the figure above demonstrate that quantitative analysis is the most frequently used technique with 55.9 of occurrence in total. To be more specific, descriptive quantitative was found in 38 researches or 33.6 of occurrence, while inferential quantitative was employed in 25 researches or 22.3 of occurrence. Among ten statistical techniques used in the studied research reports, correlation was found as the most common one as it has 6.2 of occurrence. ANOVA is in the second place with 3.5 of occurrence. Both Tukey and Cronbach’s Alpha have the same result with 2.7 of occurrence. Mann- Whitney and Factor Analysis are following with 1.8 of occurrence. Meanwhile the rest statistical techniques have only 0.9 of occurrence. As much as 31.9 or 36 researches were found to apply qualitative analysis. Mixed analysis is also common within the studied research reports as it has 12.4 of occurrence. It can be inferred that English educational research on attitude and related learning factors are flexible as they can be conducted in both quantitative and qualitative and even mixed technique.

10. Sampling Technique

Considering the large number of participant and some limitations in conducting research, sampling technique is commonly used in a research. The use of sampling technique is expected to represent the whole population. Thus, researchers are able to examine smaller scale of data which is considered to have represented the whole research subjects. In general, there are two broad types of sampling technique. Those are probability and non-probability samplings. Each of them has several types of sampling techniques. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In regard to this research, there are only 34 out of 100 research reports which used sampling technique. These 34 research reports have yielded six sampling techniques from both probability and non-probability types. The findings are presented through Figure 4.8. Figure 4.8: Sampling Techniques Figure 4.8 reveals that random sampling and purposive sampling are the most frequently used sampling technique within the studied research reports as they receive high percentage of occurrence. Random sampling was employed in 12 researches or 35.3 of occurrence. Meanwhile purposive sampling was used in 11 researches or 32.4 of occurrence. Cluster sampling is the next sampling technique which becomes the researchers ’ preference as it was used in four 35.3 8.8 11.8 32.4 8.8 2.9 Random Stratified Cluster Purposive Convenience Quota