Definition and Function Content Analysis

use of descriptive statistics to analyze the coded data. As highlighted by Creswell 2011, in Drisko and Maschi, 2016 that: Mixed method research employs complete quantitative and qualitative research studies within a project to gain different perspectives on the study question. Content analysis may combine qualitative and quantitative techniques into a single study method. It is more of a hybrid or blended research methodology than a true form of mixed methods research combining separate qualitative and quantitative studies p. 13. Therefore, it is clear that these two techniques can be employed together within a content analysis research. The use of both techniques in a research can enrich the research findings. This explains the nature of qualitative and quantitative techniques in content analysis. c. Procedures of Conducting Content Analysis As a research method, content analysis involves a set of procedures. Some experts have proposed different steps in conducting content analysis research. However, as highlighted by Fraenkel and Wallen 2009: 474 that “all procedures that are called content analysis have certain characteristics in common. These procedures also vary in some respects, depending on the purposes of the analysis and the type of data being analyzed ”. The framework of conducting content analysis can be seen through the following figure. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 2.2: A Framework of Content Analysis Krippendorff, 2004: 30 The framework illustrates the procedure of conducting content analysis. The first thing to be considered is the text the data of the research to be analyzed. Once the researchers have acknowledged the text, they must formulate the research question that is the purpose of analyzing the text. Through the research question, the instruments to collect the data can be determined. The next step is describing the context. “In a content analysis, the context explains what the analyst does with the texts, it could be considered the analyst ’s best hypothesis for how the texts came to be, what they mean, what they can tell or do” Krippendorff, 2004: 33. The next step is analytical construct. It presents how the researchers have recognized the context. This step demands them to explain how the text relate to the possible answer of the research question. Once the analysis is done, the researchers should make inference based on the result of the analysis. “Any content analysis should be validatable in principle” Krippendorff, 2004: 39. It explains why the researchers in content analysis should conduct validation within their research. It aims at strengthening the research findings. Fraenkel and Wallen 2009 further summarize the steps involved in content analysis as follows: 1 Determining objectives, 2 Defining terms, 3 Specifying the unit of analysis, 4 Locating relevant data, 5 Developing a rationale, 6 Developing a sampling plan, 7 Formulating coding categories, 8 Checking reliability and validity, 9 Analyzing data, and 10 Interpreting the result of analysis. Wimmer and Dominick 2011 define the steps of content analysis into the following stages: 1 Formulating a research question, 2 Defining the universe, 3 Selecting an appropriate sample from population, 3 Selecting and defining a unit of analysis, 4 Constructing the categories of content to be analyzed, 5 Establishing a quantification system, 6 Training the coders and conducting a pilot study 7 Coding the content according to established definitions, 8 Analyzing the collected data, and 9 Drawing conclusions and searching for indications. A common way to interpret content analysis data is through the use of frequencies i.e., the number of specific incidents found in the data and the percentage andor proportion of particular occurrence to total occurrence. The review on the procedures of content analysis has provided the researcher with sufficient information. Though there are some differences, it can be seen that they share similar characteristics. In short, like any other research designs, content analysis should begin with research question which is considered to be the objective of the research. This research question determines the researchers in selecting the instruments to collect and analyze the data. Sampling technique is necessary to be employed. The researchers should clearly define the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI