The Trends of Research on Attitude and Related Learning Factors in

teaching method towards participants’ motivation. In short, the studies on these topics remained on the surface. The interpretation of methodology used within the studied research reports covers research design and method, data gathering instrument, data analysis technique, sampling technique, and validity technique. The findings on research design and method were almost equal for both quantitative and qualitative methods. However, with only 3 of difference, quantitative method had higher percentage in terms of occurrence. This may be due to the fact that quantitative method with its statistical technique is able to provide results which are easier to understand rather than qualitative one which is generally very complex. As pointed out by Harry, Sturges, and Klinger 2005 that quantitative method entails established steps to follow, unlike qualitative which requires judgement decisions that is quite hard for some inexperienced researchers to do so. However, as the occurrence of qualitative method was also high, it could be articulated that research on attitude and related learning factors could be conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively. In parallel with the findings on research design and method, questionnaire 37.9 was found to be the most common data gathering instrument applied in the studied research reports. De Joung 2007, in Gul and Sozbilir, 2016 mentions that the use of questionnaire enables the researchers to obtain large number of data in quite fast period. However, the weakness of this instrument is that it cannot provide richer and deeper information about the participants, compared to other instruments usually used in qualitative studies i.e. interview. Moreover, for qualitative method, interview was the most common instrument used within the studied research reports. It was utilized to obtain data for qualitative research since it was able to provide richer and deeper information. Still, the interpretation on methodology also leads to the discussion of data analysis technique. Due to the fact that the researchers among the 100 research reports preferred employing quantitative method, statistical technique, particularly descriptive statistic 33.6 emerged as the most common analysis technique used within the studied research reports. This finding indicated that inferential statistics were not yet common to analyze data for research on these topics. Descriptive statistics is known as the basic analysis technique commonly used in quantitative research. However, the findings on this category also revealed that qualitative analysis was found as the second preference among the researchers within the studied research reports. Therefore, these findings were in line with the results on research design and method. Other components involved in the discussion of methodology are sampling technique and validation technique. In terms of sampling technique, the findings showed that random sampling 35.3 and purposive sampling 32.4 were two techniques frequently employed within the studied research reports. These findings indicated that both probability and non-probability sampling techniques had been common for English educational researchers that they used them in almost equal number. Meanwhile, in terms of validation technique, both reliability 42.4 and validity 42.4 were found to be the top two validation techniques used in the studied research reports. These two types of validation technique are PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI known to be used in quantitative research. Therefore, these findings were in line with quantitative method which was found as the most dominant method used within the studied research reports. However, the number of the studied research reports implementing sampling technique and validation technique are limited. It could be inferred that these two components were not widely used in English educational research, especially those which dealing with attitude and related learning factors namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy. As mentioned by Gul and Sozbilir 2016 this kind of phenomenon might be connected with lack of researchers’ knowledge and skills on the basis of conducting research. The findings of research results from the studied research reports revealed that most of the participants hold positive perception, attitude and belief towards English language teaching and learning. Other results which received low number of occurrence indicated that such results were specific and confirmed that not every research on these topics yielded the same discovery. In short, it can be inferred that English, which is viewed as a foreign language and second language in the area where the majority of the researches had been conducted, was respected by the participants in educational context. As the use of English was widespread and in general, the participants showed interest and respect towards English language teaching and learning.

2. The Relation between The Trends of Research on Attitude and Related

Learning Factors and Competence-based Learning This part discloses the relation between the trends of research on attitude and five related learning factors and Competence-based Learning, particularly concerning the concept of attitude as practiced in 2013 Curriculum. Competence- based Learning has been implemented in Indonesia since the year of 2000 The Decree of National Ministry of Education No. 232U2000. Therefore, it is necessary to relate the trends of research which were conducted in 2007 to 2016 and Competence-based Learning as the current approach in education field. Richards and Rodgers 2001 assert that the concern of Competence-based Learning is on the three competences namely attitude, skills and knowledge. However, among the tree competences, this research focuses only on attitude. The concept of attitude in this approach can be seen from 2013 Curriculum. This curriculum differentiates attitude into spiritual and social which covers 18 character values such as religious, honest, tolerant and so on Ministry of Education and Culture in Pengembangan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa , 2010. As discussed in the previous part, the trends of research on attitude and related learning factors consist of 12 categories. Nonetheless, to disclose the relation between the research trends and the Competence-based Learning, particularly concerning the concept of attitude, the researcher did not use all the 12 categories. Considering that the discussion dealt with a concept, therefore, only three out of 12 categories were used. The three categories are investigated topic, concept clarification and related topic. In terms of investigated topic, the trends revealed that motivation 22.6, perception 21.7 and attitude 20 are the most studied topics in English educational research which were conducted in 2007 to 2016. For concept clarification, the majority of research on motivation tended to define motivation as an effort, willingness, desire to take action in order to achieve a certain goal. Perception in the studied research reports was mostly described as individual’s belief, attitude, view and ay to act or perceive something. Meanwhile the trend of attitude was described as individual’s positive and negative cognitive, affective and behavior towards something. In terms of related topic, teaching method 30, English skills speaking 12.9, reading 11.4, writing 8.6 and listening 8.6 and English knowledge vocabulary 5.7, grammar 5.7 and pronunciation 2.9 appeared as the most frequently studied topics along with attitude and related learning factors. These trends indicated that English educational research on attitude and related learning factors which were conducted in 2007 to 2016 had not explore many topics of attitude as practiced in 2013 Curriculum. Based on the findings, only a small number of research had explored about confidence 0.9, creativity 1.7, honesty 0.9 and tolerance 0.9 which belong to 18 character values of attitude in 2013 Curriculum. Almost all of the investigated attitudes were dealing with attitude in narrow meaning. However, the concept of attitude in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Competence-based Learning in this research is termed as attitude in broad meaning. Despite the findings that the studied research reports had not investigated many topics of attitude in 2013 Curriculum, they had associated English skills speaking, writing, reading and listening and knowledge vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation in the investigation of attitude and related learning factors. It could be articulated that they were in line with the principal of Competence-based Learning in which it views attitude as an integrated competence along with skills and knowledge. Therefore, they had yielded the principle of Competence-based Learning. In short, through this discussion it could be articulated that English educational researchers within the studied research reports might not be familiar with the concept of attitude in Competence-based Learning. Therefore, it resulted in such trends where most of them tended to investigate attitude in its narrow meaning and several related learning factors instead of exploring about attitude in its broad meaning. Whereas the implementation of Competence-based Learning in Indonesia, which can be seen through 2013 Curriculum, highlights the concept of attitude a competence which covers 18 character values Ministry of Education and Culture in Pengembangan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa , 2010. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 92


This chapter consists of three sections. The first is conclusions which present several significant points of the research results. The second is implications which reveal the impacts of the research results. The last is suggestions for several parties about the follow-up actions of this research.


This research was attempted to discover the trends of research on attitude and related learning factors namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy in English education. A hundred research reports which are in the form of thesis, journal article, and research paper dealing with attitude and related learning factors were taken as the data sources. Moreover, content analysis was used as the research method to achieve the research goal. The research reports were published in 2007 to 2016. Most of them were conducted in Indonesia. From the analysis results presented in the previous chapter, the researcher can draw some conclusions. First, the unbalanced results on the investigated topic indicated that there was a tendency for English educational researchers to conduct research on three topics namely motivation, perception, and attitude. On the other hand, the concept of attitude in Competence-based Learning which involves 18 character values of both spiritual and social attitudes seemed to receive little attention. Most of them shared similar concept of the investigated issues. Research on these topics were commonly associated with teaching method and English skills and knowledge. These findings are in line with the principle of Competence-based Learning where it views attitude as an integrated competence along with skills and knowledge. In terms of participants, the role and development of attitude and five related learning factors could not be well represented as the researchers tended to use adult learners as their research subject. Research on these topics were mostly intended to find out participants’ motivation, perception, attitude, belief, learning style and learning strategy towards English language teaching and learning. In terms of methodology, the results were almost equal for both quantitative and qualitative methods. However, quantitative method received higher percentage in terms of occurrence. Indeed, questionnaire was found as the most frequently used instrument to obtain the data and followed by interview. Moreover, descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis were found as the most dominant analysis techniques. These results indicate that research on attitude and related learning factors can be conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively. Unfortunately, the use of both sampling and validation techniques is still in a limited number. Therefore, it can be interpreted that English educational researchers within the studied research reports are still less aware about the importance of these two components in conducting research. In terms of results, the findings revealed that most of the participant hold positive perception, attitude and belief towards English language teaching and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI