Attitude toward English Language Learning

strategy are five learning factors which are commonly found to affect attitude and vice versa.

3. English Learning Factors

The notion English learning factors here refers to five concepts namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy which are closely related to attitude Hosseini and Pourmandnia, 2013. As mentioned in the previous part, attitude is not a single learning factor. It involves motivation, belief, perception, learning style and learning strategy as they are strongly related one another. These learning factors are deemed to influence the emergence of certain attitude within an individual. Therefore, the review of these concepts are also related to attitude.

a. Motivation

In general, motivation refers to the desire to participate or get involved in the learning process ” Lumsden, 1994. Bomia et al . 1997: 1 define motivation as “willingness, need, desire and compulsion to participate in, and be successful in the learning process”. Furthermore, Dӧrnyei and Ushioda 2011: 4 define motivation as “the choice of a particular action, the persistence with it, the effort expended on it which is responsible for why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity and how hard they are going to pursue it”. From these definitions, it can be inferred that motivation refers to the learners’ desire and willingness to take action within the learning process as an effort or attempt to achieve the goal of learning. Motivation has a direct effect on language learning Gomleksiz, 2010. Lennartsson 2008, in Gomleksiz, 2010 mentions that motivation is a significant factor in second language learning. Furthermore, Reece and Walker 1997 claim that a less able learner who has high motivation can achieve greater success than the more intelligent learner who has low motivation. In relation to attitude, De Bot, Lowie and Verspoor 2005: 72 state that “a high motivation and a positive attitude towards a second language help second- language learning”. Moreover, Gardner and Lambert 1972 say that motivation to learn is determined by the attitude towards language learning. They further mention that a positive attitude will increase motivation. On the other hand, Deci and Ryan 2000, in Despagne, 2010 state that motivation affect the formation of attitude. In relation to this research, motivation is viewed as a learning factor which concerns on a willingness to do something in order to achieve the learning goal. It affects and is affected by attitude. Thus, these discussions explain the relation between attitude and motivation which is found to be closely related one another.

b. Perception

The terms perception as defined by Pickens 2005 refers to the results of human ’s interpretation towards things and events around them. Otara 2011: 1 defines perception as “the way we all interpret our experiences”. Alfaruqy 2014 states that perception can be simply defined as a process of interpretation of things. Hulela, Kelebekae and Boipono 2016 describe perception as a psychological concept on how people view the world around them. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Perception is closely related to attitude Pickens, 2005. Aviram and Tami 2004, in Suratno, Murniati and Aydawati, 2014 state that individual ’s perception determines his or her attitude. Moreover, Alfaruqy 2014 mentions that perception is affected by attitude and vice versa. Therefore, how people perceive things and situations will affect their attitude towards those things and situations. This brief explanation reveals how attitude and perception are correlated. From these explanations, it can be inferred that perception in this research refers to the educators’ and learners’ view towards teaching learning process and the components within such as teaching method, material, assessment, instruction, and so on which is resulted from their interpretation on those things. It is also a part of attitude, particularly in terms of cognitive side.

c. Belief

The terms belief as defined by Murphy 2000: 16, in Steel, 2009: 3 refers to “a complex and inter-related system of personal and professional knowledge that serves as implicit theories and cognitive maps for experiencing and responding to reality ”. Bangou, Fleming and Goff-Kfouri 2011: 2 state that “belief relies on cognitive and affective components and are often tacitly held”. Therefore, it is clear that belief concerns on cognitive components. In relation to attitude, Borg 2006, in Ozmen and Aydin, 2015 mentions that attitude is constituted from belief. This is because belief is considered as a component which determines attitude through cognitive side Eagly and Chaiken, 1998, in Jain, 2014. Furthermore, Mokhtar 2015 points out that belief and