on the other hand, is the meaning behind the manifest content. In other words, the analysis involves interpretation in which qualitative technique usually deals with. In short, this content analysis research employs both quantitative and qualitative techniques. As claimed by Wimmer and Dominick 2011, the goal of quantitative content analysis is an accurate representation of a large number of meaningful data. Mayring 2000: 3 mentions that “qualitative content analysis wants to preserve the advantages of quantitative content analysis for a more qualitative text interpretation”. Quantitative technique in this research was used to discover the research trends. It was done by calculating the occurrences of research contents. The results of this calculation is called manifest content. Meanwhile qualitative technique was employed to reveal the relation between the research trends and Competence-based Learning, particularly concerning the concept of attitude as practiced in 2013 Curriculum. The analysis was carried out through interpreting the research trends based on the theory of attitude in Competence-based Learning. The result of this qualitative analysis is called latent content. Thus, trends of research on attitude and related learning factors in English education concerning the concept of attitude in Competence-based Learning can be best depicted through this research method.


The data sources of this research are English educational research reports which are collected from open sources. Meanwhile the data of this research are the content of the collected research reports which is text in nature. Moreover, to obtain meaningful data, the researcher observed the collected research reports directly through reading them one by one. Therefore, the nature of data within this research is direct observation. Due to the limitations of this research and large number of research which have been conducted in English education, the researcher utilized stratified random sampling in collecting the research reports. According to Krippendorff 2004 stratified sampling enables the researchers to stratify the population into several subpopulations. Then, it is followed by carrying out random sampling for each subpopulation. The limitations of this research are on topic, year of publication and origin of the research reports. For the topic, the researcher took only those which deal with attitude and five related learning factors namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy. In terms of year of publication, she took research reports which were published in 2007 to 2016. Meanwhile for the origin, she took research reports which were conducted in ECC with Indonesia as the main focus, OCC and ICC. These limitations were used as the stratifications in finding research reports from open sources. Then, random sampling was applied in selecting the research reports which emerged after the implementation of stratified sampling.


The instrument in this research is the researcher herself. Prasad 2008 states that researcher in content analysis is seen as an instrument to draw inferences of data. Therefore, the main instrument in this study is the researcher herself as she was the one who made the coding and inferred the meaning of the of the data. The basic principle of content analysis is objectivity where different researchers can obtain the same results from the same data Prasad, 2008. To achieve the objectivity of the research results, the researcher used keywords to find research reports as the data source and a table to manage the data. Reviewing the theories of attitude and related learning factors resulted in these keywords: attitude, belief, perception, motivation, learning style, learning strategy and 18 character values in Competence-based Learning e.g. honesty, tolerance, religious, etc.. These keywords were used to find the research reports from open sources.


The process of data gathering within this research involves four steps. First, collecting research reports from open sources by using keywords. In collecting the research reports, the researcher utilized stratified random sampling as this research has some limitations i.e. topic, year of publication, and origin. Second, reading the collected research reports one by one to understand the content. Third, highlighting the important information such as the origin, topic being analyzed, concept clarification of the topic, related topic, participant, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI research goal, research design or method, data source, data gathering instrument, data analysis technique, sampling technique, validation technique, and research result. The last step is inputting the relevance contents of each research report into the table as the data of this research. The table used in this research is called Table of the Content of the Investigated Research Reports . The table was designed by adju sting Sozbilir’s 2016, in Gul and Sozbilir, 2016 paper classification form which consists of five items namely subject of the paper, research designmethod, data collection tool, sample and data analysis method. In this study, the researcher added more items in order to provide richer and more meaningful information of the studied research reports. This table consists of twelve items namely concept clarification, origin, investigated topic, related topic, participant, research goal, research designmethod, data gathering instrument, data analysis technique, sampling technique, validation technique and research result as seen in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: The Content of the Investigated Research Reports Items Code Sub- Items Research Report Number N 1 2 3 … 100 Concept Clarification Origin Investigated Topic Related Topic Participant Research Goal Research Design Method Data Gathering Instrument Data Analysis Technique Sampling Technique Validation Technique Research Result