As seen in Table 3.1, it consists of six columns. Items column consists of twelve main categories of research content. Code column is the code for sub-items e.g. OR01, OR02, OR03 and OR04 for origin. Meanwhile sub-items column is the specific information of each item e.g. Indonesia, ECC, OCC and ICC for origin. Therefore, in terms of origin the code OR01 is for Indonesia, OR02 is ECC, OR03 is OCC and OR04 is ICC. The number in research report number represents the investigated research reports. N column is the total occurrence of sub-items in the form of number. Meanwhile the last column is also the total occurrence of sub-items, however it is in the form of percentage. Therefore, it is used in quantitative analysis. Through this table see Appendix 2, the researcher was able to discover the occurrence of the data from each item thoroughly.


To answer the research question, the researcher calculated the occurrence of data in Table of the Content of the Investigated Research Reports using Microsoft Excel. It aims to discover the percentage of each item. This prior analysis is termed as quantitative analysis. Therefore, the results of the analysis are presented in charts and tables showing the percentage of data occurrence. Then, they are followed by explanation. Moreover, to provide richer findings, the researcher also analyzed the relation between the research trends and the concept of attitude in Competence- based Learning. This analysis is carried out through interpretation and without involving any quantitative calculation, it is termed as qualitative analysis. Hence, the results of the analysis are presented in the form of description.


To make this research valid, both internal and external validity were employed. According to Krippendorff 1980, internal validity in content analysis is best labeled by the term “reliability”. Riffe, Lacy and Fico 2005 assert that reliability in content analysis refers to an agreement among coders about categorizing content coding. Therefore, the researcher had discussed the coding system along with two other researchers who conducted similar research to ensure the appropriateness. Meanwhile Mayring 2014 states that the instruments in content analysis are developed for a specific study and they have to be pilot tested to achieve the reliability. Before employing the table, the researcher had conducted a pilot study. The results of the pilot study revealed that the table was able to assist the researcher in achieving the research goal. In other words, the table used within this research had been tested and the result revealed that it was appropriate to be employed as it measured what it was supposed to measure. Hence, it explains how the internal validity within this research was achieved. The terms external validity according to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen and Razavieh 2010: 292 refers to “the extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized”. They further mentions that the generalizations from the studied data to the unstudied data can be conducted by using sample in which it should represent the larger population. As mentioned in the previous section, the data PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI sources of this research were taken from English educational research reports. Some limitations were made on the topic attitude and five related learning factors namely motivation, perception, belief, learning style and learning strategy, year of publication 2007 to 2016 and origin of the research reports conducted in ECC, OCC and ICC. Therefore, due to the limited time constrain and source, the researcher had employed stratified random sampling in finding the research reports. Through the implementation of the sampling technique, it is expected that the collected research reports will represent other unobserved research reports so that the results of this research can be generalized. In short, internal validity deals with how well this research was conducted so that the results can be more accurate. It was done through discussion among three coders in determining the coding system. Besides, the table used in this research was also piloted. Meanwhile external validity concerns on how the results of this research can be generalized to other unexplored research reports. It was done by using stratified random sampling. As this research has achieved both internal and external validity, the results of this research can be defined as a genuine research. It means that it reveals the real condition of the studied research reports. Therefore, it can be used for decision making as it represents current development of research on attitude and related learning factors in English education.