Data Analysis Technique ANALYSIS RESULTS


14. Not Available or Not-Reported

Generally, in reporting an educational research, there are several parts to be presented in the report, namely abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results or findings, analysis results and interpretation, conclusion, implication and recommendation or suggestion. However, in the reality, the researcher found parts which isare not presented in the studied research reports. Hence, the following table will present it. Table 4.17. Not AvailableNot-Reported SUB-ITEMS F Research Method 2 1.82 Sampling 5 4.55 Validation 21 19.09 SuggestionImplication 2 1.82 Sampling and Validation 36 32.73 Sampling and SuggestionImplication 1 0.91 Validation and SuggestionImplication 9 8.18 Research Method and Validation 1 0.91 Abstract, Sampling, and Validation 1 0.91 Sampling, Validation and Results 1 0.91 Research Method, Sampling, and Validation 6 5.45 Sampling, Validation, and SuggestionImplication 18 16.36 Research Method, Sampling, Validation and SuggestionImplication 4 3.64 All-reported 3 2.73 Table 3.17 presents the frequently not availablenot-reported found in each the research report. Most of research reports do not report Sampling and Validation 32.73 = 36 research reports, then followed by Validation 19.09 = 21 research reports, Sampling, Validation, and SuggestionImplication 16.36 = 18 research reports, Validation and SuggestionImplication 8.18 = 9 research reports, Research Method, Sampling, and Validation 5.45 = 6 research reports, Sampling 4.55 = 5 research reports, Research Method, Sampling, Validation and SuggestionImplication 3.64 = 4 research reports, All-reported 2.73 = 3 research reports, Research Method and SuggestionImplication 102 1.82 = 2 research reports, Sampling and SuggestionImplication, Research Method and Validation, Abstract, Sampling, and Validation, and Sampling, Validation and, Results 0.91 = 1 research report.


This part discusses the interpretation of the analysis results presented in the previous section. From the results of the first phase which is about the concept of clarification of learning-teaching method found in the research reports, it can be said that almost all the research reports presented the working definition or concept clarification of learning-teaching method. Only 7 research report which do not give the definition of investigated learning-teaching method. They are the working definition of Web-Based Audio, Poster Presentation, Films, Facebook, Tell Me More TMM and Rosetta Stone RS, and E-mail, Online Local Newspaper. However, Creswell 2012: 105 highlights the important of presenting review of the literature: Literature review describes the past and current state of knowledge about topic. This review serves the purpose of providing a need for a study and demonstrating that other studies have not addressed the same topic in exactly the same way. It also indicate to audiences that the researcher is knowledgeable about studies related to a topic. A literature review therefore helps readers to understand the knowledge of investigated research’s topic. Moreover, it helps the researcher in shaping their framework of understanding about what they see and how they see it theoretically abstract. Hence, it will link the abstract to concrete theoretically to empirically. Therefore, if the research reports do not provide the working definition or concept clarification if their topic of the research, the readers might be questioning the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI