76 Research IJAMR, European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, Participatory Educational Research PER, The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning JLTL, and others online sources such as , ,, , and The finding of this study presents several essential information which is drawn from 110 research reports. The following discussion presents the results of quantitative analysis. This part was divided into fourteen parts presenting trends found based on the contents of the studied research reports. The contents are origin countries of the studies and year of publication, investigated topic, related topics; knowledge, skills, and attitude, research goal, research design and methods, data gathering instruments, participants, sample sizes, sampling, validation, data analysis methods and techniques, resultsdiscussion, suggestionimplication, what isare not reported not available in each research report.

1. Origin and Year of Publication

The first category is origin. The origin refers to the countries which are published the research reports. It was classified into four categories of countries: INA Indonesia, ASI Asia, ICC Inner-Circle CountryEnglish speaking country, and OCC Outer-Circle CountryNon-English speaking country. As the countries of research publications may be different from the countries of the scholars conducting the research, therefore, in classifying the countries, the writer considered the name of the countries of the scholars. This is aimed at analyzing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 the scholars’ countries usually as the targets of their researches. The results are shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1. Origin From the figure above, the research reports are classified into INA 81 = 90 research reports, ASI 9= 10 research reports, OCC 5 = 5 research reports, and ICC 5 = 5 research reports. It can be said that over half research on learning-teaching method in English education is conducted in Indonesia. Therefore, it has been mentioned in the previous chapter that this study focuses on research reports which were conducted in Indonesia. In a special case in Indonesia category, the name of the universities or schools were inputted. Those who are involved in contributing to the English educational learning-teaching method are from Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Semarang State University, Malang State University, Indonesia University of Education, University of Sriwijaya, Ganesha University of Education, Semarang State Polytechnic, Muria Kudus University, Smart Ekselensia High School, SMA Negeri 1 Kembangbahu Lamongan, SMAN 1 Welahan Jepara, SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya Utara, SMA N 60 INA 81 ASI 9 OCC 5 ICC 5 INA ASI OCC ICC