63 provides us with a sample that is highly representative of the population being studied, assuming that there is limited missing data.


Once the researcher formulated a research question, the researcher need to make decisions about what kind of data can collect which will best address the research topic. Observation is the important way in discovering and collecting the data of this study. The researcher used two main research instruments, namely the internet search and research reports classification tables. Internet search is the first instrument used to collect the research reports. Therefore, one of computer program, Google Chrome, is used as research tool since the data are through Internet access. Figure 3.1. Open source After getting all the data and sorting them, to make all things clear, the tables were designed to categorize the data and present the data. Generally, all the tables were made in Microsoft Excel which enables the research to directly count and get the percentage of each item. Also, those instruments were used to make the results of the study objective and valid. Research reports classification form PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64 tables were built based on Paper Classification Form PCF proposed by Sozbilir in 2016, Ary et al in 2010, Creswell in 2011 and Fraenkel and Wallen in 2009, and the construct map as the pre-understanding framework see Chapter II of the current study. The rows provided the terms which will be used to classify the content of each educational research. While, the columns presented the page number of the research reports. Another instrument was the researcher since the researcher was the one who made the coding and categorization. Ary et al. 2010 defines that “the primary instrument used for content analysis is the researcher himself or herself”. There were five types of tables; data sources, concept clarification, quantitative, qualitative, and master table. The first table presented the data sources. It contains entry code and full identity. In the entry code the researcher will code based on the country, year of publication and the subject matter. While, in the full identity, the researcher will write based on the author, year of publication, research report name, volume and issue. Entry Code Full Identity Comments: Table 3.1 Data Sources The second table presented all the quantitative result of each items and sub-items found in the research reports. Therefore, there are nineteen tables presented which can be seen in the Appendix 2. They are the table of year of publication in general which summarizes the results of year of publication from Indonesia Ina, Asia, ICC, and OCC, the table of learning-teaching method in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65 general which summarizes the results of learning-teaching methodapproach, learning-teaching techniquestrategy, learning-teaching media, learning-teaching assessment, and learning-teaching materials, the table of related to skills and knowledge, related to attitude and learning factors, participants, sample sizes, research problemsgoal, research method, sampling, validation, data gathering instruments, data analysis techniques, research resultsdiscussion, suggestionimplication, and no-reported or not available. ITEMS CODE SUB-ITEMS N TOTAL 110 100 Table 3.2. Quantitative Table The third table presented the qualitative result of all learning-teaching methods found in 110 research reports. It contains summary of each research reports which provide some essential information. Therefore, the English educational research reports were scanned in terms of the numbers of entry code, title learning-teaching method, research topics, participants, research problemsgoal, research method, sampling, validation, data gathering instruments, data analysis techniques, research procedures, research resultsdiscussion, conclusion, and suggestionimplication. Table 3.3. Qualitative Table