Origin and Year of Publication

80 Table 4.2. Learning-Teaching ApproachMethod ENTRY CODE SUB-ITEMS F 32INA2012LTM, 40INA2013LTM, 65INA2015LTM, 73INA2015LTM Project-Based Learning 4 40 19INA2011LTM, 94ASI2016LTM Cooperative Learning 2 20 64INA2015LTM, 77INA2015LTM Total Physical Response 2 20 36INA2013LTM Task-Based Language Teaching TBLT 1 10 09INA2010LTM Whole Language Approach 1 10 Total 10 100 An approach defines assumption, beliefs, and theories about the nature of language and language learning which the sources of the way things are done in the classroom and which provide the reasons for doing them. From the data above, the studied research reports had applied various types of learning-teaching approachmethod. There are 5 types found. Among 5 types, the most frequently investigated subject matters in learning-teaching approachmethod category to be studied are Project-Based Learning 40, then followed by Cooperative Learning 20 Total Physical Response 20, Task-Based Language Teaching 10, and Whole Language Approach 10. It can be said that Project-Based Learning had become English educational researchers’ preference in conducting research on learning-teaching method. In order for an approach to lead a method, it is necessary to develop for an instructional system. Design is the level of method analysis. In this research, the term design refers to learning-teaching media, learning-teaching materials, and learning-teaching assessment. Firstly, the design category is about learning- teaching media. A medium plural media is a channel of communication, derived from the Latin word meaning “between”. The term refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver. The other working definition of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 81 media proposed by Jacobs et al 2002: 240 who say that media can be seen as a medium, broadly conceived, any person, material, or event that establishes conditions which enable the learner to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes. While, a teaching-learning medium can be defined as an object the teacher uses, or which is given to the learners to use, to achieve specific teaching and learning outcomes. Learning-teaching media can therefore be defined as any medium a teacher uses to present a lesson effectively. The Table 4.3 presents the types of learning-teaching media found in the studied research reports. Table 4.3. Learning-Teaching Media ENTRY CODE SUB-ITEMS F 53INA2014LTME, 96OCC2016LTME, 103ICC2009LTME, 108ICC2008LTME Podcasts 4 7.84 30INA2012LTME, 44INA2014LTME, 45INA2014LTTSA Facebook 3 5.88 42INA2013LTME. 60INA2014LTME Films 2 3.92 04INA2010LTME Poems 1 1.96 05INA2010LTME Comics 1 1.96 10INA2010LTME Picture Series-Aided Learning Strategy 1 1.96 20INA2011LTME Songs 1 1.96 25INA2011LTME Visual Aids 1 1.96 27INA2011LTME Newspaper and Magazines 1 1.96 28INA2011LTME English-Medium Comics 1 1.96 29INA2012LTME Lay-out Pictures on Computer 1 1.96 31INA2012LTME Online Short Story 1 1.96 34INA2012LTME Videotaped Children Songs 1 1.96 35INA2013LTME Video on news item text 1 1.96 41INA2013LTME Multimedia Presentation 1 1.96 46INA2014LTME HP - Android Application 1 1.96 47INA2014LTME Interactive Crossword Puzzle 1 1.96 48INA2014LTME Tell Me More vs Rosseta Stone 1 1.96 49INA2014LTME Video-feedback 1 1.96 50INA2014LTME Audio with scripted songs 1 1.96 51INA2014LTME Narrative Learning Multimedia NLM 1 1.96 52INA2014LTME Search Engine ICT 1 1.96 54INA2014LTME Edmodo 1 1.96 82 ENTRY CODE SUB-ITEMS F 62INA2015LTME Caricature Media 1 1.96 66INA2015LTME Mindvisualizer 1 1.96 68INA2015LTME Multimedia Vs Flash Cards 1 1.96 71INA2015LTME Sandwich Graphic Organizer 1 1.96 72INA2015LTME Board games 1 1.96 74INA2015LTME Song-related reading texts 1 1.96 76INA2015LTME Short Stories 1 1.96 78INA2015LTME Schoology 1 1.96 81INA2015LTME YouTube 1 1.96 82INA2015LTME Social Media 1 1.96 86INA2016LTME Cartoon Movie 1 1.96 87INA2016LTME Photographs 1 1.96 88INA2016LTME Folklore 1 1.96 90INA2016LTME Facebook Closed Group 1 1.96 91ASI2013LTME E-mail Dialogue Journal 1 1.96 93ASI2013LTME Interactive Weblogs 1 1.96 92ASI2013LTME Time Trap Board Game 1 1.96 97ASI2016LTME E-mail 1 1.96 99ASI2016LTME VideoScribe 1 1.96 100OCC2009LTME On-line Local Newspaper 1 1.96 104OCC2016LTME Twitter 1 1.96 110ICC2016LTME Electronic Flashcards 1 1.96 Total 51 100 Table 4.3 shows the types of learning-teaching media found within the studied research reports. As seen in the table, English educational research on learning-teaching media had involved various types of media. There are 45 types of media found. However, among 45 types, the most frequently investigated subject matters are Podcasts 7.84, Facebook 5.88, and Films 3.92. The rest of the subject matters only occurred in one article or two depending on the goals of the research. Another type of design is assessment. As teachers, they have an obligation to help the students in achieving the goal of the learning process. One way to help the students in achieving the goal is by giving assessment. Therefore, assessment