71 for “all journals”. Then, the search results present some tiles and authors in which the researcher can choose them. The website also provide abstract and pdf download file for each title of journal. Therefore, the researcher can click the “Download this PDF file” link. Figure 3.7. Chosen Page Link Then, the researcher built a coding scheme in the form of a table derived from the theoretical review about learning-teaching method. Then, the researcher identified the data with the assistance of the designed table which can be seen in the instrumentation. The table provides descriptive explanation of the data so it makes easier to the researcher identifying the trends of learning-teaching method and statistical technique applied within the data as well as the reported result. The table covers the concept clarification, origin, subject matter, related issue, investigated group, research problem or goal, research design or method, data source, data gathering instrument, data analysis instrument, sampling, validation and result. In order to see the trends, the researcher developed another table as the assistance in seeing the total achievement of certain validation type. From seeing the total achievement, the researcher then calculated the percentage of each 72 category by using Microsoft Excel. After that, the researcher use mathematical calculation of total sub-items investigated is divided into the total data. The result of the calculation will show the percentage of which country the research concerning on learning-teaching method mostly done, what kind of learning- teaching method mostly being the research subject, what statistical technique applied in learning-teaching method the most and how are the implications of the research result.


This study is analyzing the manifest content of the researches through checklist by using classification tables and analyzing the latent content to see the underlying meanings from the research results. Therefore, the quantitative and qualitative analysis were employed. The data then will be computerized and processed in Microsoft Excel to see the distribution of each classification. The data presentation will be in form of tables and figures. To answer the research question, both data from classification tables was employed. Then to analyze the data, codes and categorizations were needed. The codes were all content and attributes related to learning-teaching method in the research reports. Besides, the categories were based on the characteristics of the content and attributes, for instance introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion. In analyzing the manifest data, the researcher looked calculated the occurrences of each finding using Microsoft Excel. They are origin, investigated issue subject matter, group investigated, related issue of subject matter, research problemsgoals, research designmethod, data gathering PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 73 instrument, data analysis instrument, sampling technique, and validation. Then, the latent content of data analyzed were in the form of description.

F. Validity

Being reliable, a research should be valid. Generally, “validity” designates that quality which compels one to accept scientific results as evidence. Its closest relative is “empirical truth”· Neuendorf 2002: 113 says “validity is the standard of having a “good” measurement. Validity may be seen as encompassing the criteria of reliability, precision and accuracy which means freedom from bias and nonrandom error”. Validity is defined as “the accuracy of the inferences, interpretations, or actions made” based on a set of data Johnson Christensen, 2008: 150. In other words, Krippendorff 2004: 313 defines that validity is that quality of research results that lead us to accept them as true, as speaking about the real world of people, phenomena, events, experiences, and actions. The validity of this study was enhanced by utilizing a specific coding scheme and assessing decisions based on a standard Hsieh Shannon, 2005; Potter Levine-Donnerstein, 1999. In general, validity is considered to be present in an instrument, procedure or research as a whole, when they produce results that reflect what they initially aimed to evaluate or measure. A research can be judged both in terms of internally valid when its conclusions are correct for that sample of studied individuals, as well as externally valid, when its results can be generalized to other contexts and population domains. There are two types of validation used in this study, namely internal validity and external validity. Internal validity includes internal consistency. It concerns the reliability of 74 the research reports topic in gathering the data. The research topic of this study is learning teaching method. Therefore, it is used to measure consistency in choosing research reports regarding to learning-teaching method. All the data will be about learning-teaching method approach, design, and procedure, such as cooperative learning, task-based learning, etc. Internal validation is also used to discover stability and consistency within the data components. Those are the concept, the nature of data, instrument, data analysis technique and interpretation. Hence, the process is unchanging over time. The coding procedure yields the same results on repeated trials. The researcher re- reads, re-categorizes, or re-analyzes the same research reports. Neuendorf 2002: 115 defines that external validity is also referred to as generalizability and it relates to whether the results of a measure can be extrapolated to other settings, times, and so on. In this study, the external validity is sampling. Kripendorff 2004: 321 says “sampling validity is the degree to which population is accurately represented in the sample ”. Regarding to this study, the sampling principles in collecting the research reports are through keywords, random and representative from population. The researcher used the keywords to find the English education research reports which deal with learning- teaching method within the last ten years from open sources. In term of origin, they should be originated from Indonesia, Asia, ICC, and OCC. 75


This chapter will expose the research findings and discussion to answer the problem formulation stated in Chapter I. Therefore, it will be presented and discussion in two sections. The first section is analysis result which presents the quantitative analysis thoroughly in the form of chart and table. The second section is discussion which presents the interpretation and analysis results of qualitative data used some related theories.


This section presents the results of the analysis which answer the research question. There have been significant developments in the learning-teaching method studied around the world and methodology for doing research in English education area and in the sophistication of the questions being investigated in the world with various results. Therefore, the currently research trend analysis aimed at providing an overview to some researchers in the field of English education research especially in the learning-teaching method. Tables and charts are used to present the results of data analysis. The data of this research were all obtained through direct observation. The researcher observed English educational research reports which were published within the last ten years. The researcher had decided to use 110 research reports. Those research reports were taken from The 57 th , 58 th , 59 th , 60 th , 61 st , 62 nd , 63 rd TEFLIN Proceedings, The Asian Conference on Education Proceedings, Asian EFL Journal Research Articles, Research in English and Education READ, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary 75 76 Research IJAMR, European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, Participatory Educational Research PER, The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning JLTL, and others online sources such as , ,, , and The finding of this study presents several essential information which is drawn from 110 research reports. The following discussion presents the results of quantitative analysis. This part was divided into fourteen parts presenting trends found based on the contents of the studied research reports. The contents are origin countries of the studies and year of publication, investigated topic, related topics; knowledge, skills, and attitude, research goal, research design and methods, data gathering instruments, participants, sample sizes, sampling, validation, data analysis methods and techniques, resultsdiscussion, suggestionimplication, what isare not reported not available in each research report.

1. Origin and Year of Publication

The first category is origin. The origin refers to the countries which are published the research reports. It was classified into four categories of countries: INA Indonesia, ASI Asia, ICC Inner-Circle CountryEnglish speaking country, and OCC Outer-Circle CountryNon-English speaking country. As the countries of research publications may be different from the countries of the scholars conducting the research, therefore, in classifying the countries, the writer considered the name of the countries of the scholars. This is aimed at analyzing PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI