Try Out, Evaluation, and Revision of Unit 2 1 The Try Out

Table 21: The Revision of the Second Draft of Unit 1 Aspect Evaluation Revision Goal The materials were relevant with the goal. no revision Input The language input was appropriate for students’ needs and abilities. no revision Activity The activities were effective. no revision Layout The layout was interesting and clear. no revision Instruction The instructions were clear and easy to understand. Minor changes in “act it out” instruction.

b. Try Out, Evaluation, and Revision of Unit 2 1 The Try Out

The second draft of unit 2 “I Love My World” was tried out on Friday, 25 th September 2014.There were 23 students in the class. In the second try out, the researcher was the teacher who taught the students using the second draft of the listening – speaking materials, while the English teacher was the observer. The teacher started the class by singing “Good Afternoon” song and the students sang “Good Afternoon” song too as the response. Then, they sang “How Are You?” song. The teacher asked the students to stand up and they started singing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. The students sat with their group and then the teacher explained what they were going to do. For the warming up, the students opened the page 17 of the students’ book and the teacher asked names of the animals on that page. They missed some pronunciation of the animals’ name and the teacher helped them to say the correct one. She showed some flash cards of animals and students said their names. The teacher corrected the miss pronounce words again. After that, the teacher asked the students whether they had pet in their house. Most of them said they had goat, cow, or chicken. She asked the sound of goat, they answered “mbeek…”. She asked the sound of cow, they answered “mooohh”. She asked the sound of rooster, they answered “kukuruyuuk”. Then, the teacher explained that in English the sound of goat is “baa”, the sound of cow is “moo”, and the sound of rooster is “cock a doodle doo”. All of the students laughed when they knew the animals’ sound in English. The teacher showed some pictures of animals and made their sound. The students tried to imitate it. Next, the teacher invited the students to sing “The Animals’ Sound” song. The students love the song. They like imitating the sounds of the animals in English. After knowing the animals’ sounds, then they played “Communisound” game in the school yard. The teacher explained the rules of the game then, they started playing it. All of them had fun and they did it cheerfully. At the end of the game, each group got one star to be put on the achievement paper. The students came back to the classroom and they seemed excited about the next materials that they were going to learn. The teacher asked them to open the page 20. She started explaining about animals characteristics. Next, she showed a picture of a bear then, asked the students how many legs, eyes, and ears that the bear has. Then, she asked about the size whether it was small or big. She showed a picture of a duck and asked the students the same things. Next, the students were asked to do the task on page 21 – 22 and they had to work in group. Figure 23: The Students Discussed the Task After all groups finished doing the task, together they corrected it. Group 3 was the group with no mistake. They get one more star. On the other hand group 1 and 2 had one mistake in doing the task. Then, they played “Who Am I?” game. The teacher explained the rules of the game and they started playing it. The students seemed excited and happy playing this game. Next, the students opened the page 23. The teacher explained how to describe the animals’ characteristics. Later, each group had to explain two animals in that page. Group 3 tried it, followed by group 2 and the group 1. They did it good although there were some mistakes in pronouncing some words. Then, each group got one star. Next, the students were asked to make a big circle and sat down. The teacher told a story about “A Very Weird Zoo”. The students listened to it carefully. When they did not understand a word, they asked the teacher to say it in Bahasa Indonesia. At the end of the story, the teacher sang a song and asked the students to repeat her. Then, the teacher told the story once again, she gave some stickers of weird animals to each group. While the students listened to the story for the second time, they tried to fill the columns on page 24 – 26 with the animals’ names and the stickers they got. Then, they sang “Three Bears” song and dance like the bears. They love doing it. After that, they took a rest before going to the next section. Section two started by “warming up” part on page 27. The students tried saying the names of fruit and vegetables. They missed some pronunciation and the teacher helped them to say the correct one. She showed some flash cards of fruit and vegetables and then, students said their names. The teacher corrected the miss pronounce words again. Next, the students played “What Fruit Is It?” game. The teacher explained the rules of the game. They made a big circle and started turning a table with many flashcards of fruit and vegetables. Then students were asked to open the page 28 and 29. The teacher started explaining how to describe fruit and vegetables. She showed a picture of an apple, then asked the students how the apple tastes, the color, and the size. She showed a picture of an orange and asked the same things. Once again she showed a picture of a carrot and asked the same questions. After all the students understand about it, they were asked to do the task on page 30. They worked in group. The teacher gave each group same stickers of fruit and vegetables. They listened carefully to some characteristics of fruit and vegetables that the teacher told them. Then, they stuck the right stickers on the columns. All the groups did it good, they got it right and each group get one more stars. Next, the students opened the page 31 of the students’ book. They were asked to describe the characteristics of those fruit and vegetables in front of the class. One child had to explain one picture. Group 2 was the first group to do this task. They did it well although some students still missed pronouncing some words. Then, group 3 and group 1 tried to do it. They all did it good, although the problem was still about the pronunciation. At the end of the lesson, the students sang “Goodbye” and “Hip – Hip Hurray”. The teacher asked the students to bring some stuffs for tomorrow’s activities. After that, they had a pray and went home. 2 The Evaluation As it has been mentioned before, the evaluation of the second draft of unit 2 were obtained by administering observation sheet for the observer. Below is the result of the observation. Table 22: The Result of the Observation of Unit 2 No. Statements Observer’s Note 1. The students did the activities surely. Yes. They were so excited doing all the activities. 2. The students seemed confident when they did the activities. Only a few of them were still shy could not do the activities.

3. The students seemed that Most of them could do the