Identification of the Problem

teaching – learning English. As young learners, Elementary School students should start learning a foreign language by listening then speaking. It is stated by Pinter 2006: 45 that just as in mother tongue learning, English should start with an emphasis in listening and speaking. These are the two main skills and students need to start with plenty of listening practices, and opportunities to listen to rich input will naturally lead to speaking tasks. Unfortunately, listening – speaking materials for this kind of school are hard to find. The existing facilities are not supported by modern technology and it becomes a barrier when the teacher wants to play songs or videos as media in the classroom. It is added by the situation that English is taught once a week. The students need more time to learn it, especially for listening and speaking skills. From the explanation above, the researcher is challenged to develop appropriate listening – speaking materials for an extracurricular English program for the 4 th grade students in SD Negeri Tempurejo 3. The students in SD Negeri Tempurejo 3 need a good English exposure. That is why it is important to hold this Chit-Chat program for them. Their willingness to have better abilities of English makes all will be worth it. The materials of this program should contain fun and interesting tasks which are expected that students enjoy learning English.

B. Identification of the Problem

To identify the existing problems in the field, the researcher observed the teaching – learning process and interviewed some fourth grade students and the English teacher in SD Negeri Tempurejo 3. Based on the interviews with the teacher and students, it was found that there were some problems related to the materials in the teaching – learning process. Most of the materials taught are reading and writing. This condition makes the students have low abilities in listening and speaking. The teacher implements listening and speaking in the form of drilling. From the interview, the teacher said that it was hard to make students pay attention to her when it came to the listening and speaking materials because students felt difficult to hear clearly and to say correctly. Looking at this situation, the teacher tried to find the other materials to teach English to her students. That is why most of her materials are reading and writing. There are so many types of activities for listening and speaking, such as: listen and repeat, listen and discriminate, listen and perform action, listen and drawcolor, listen and predict, listen and guess, listen and label, listen and match, listen and classify, listen and sequence, listen and transfer information, look listen and repeat, listen and participate, memory game, dramatization, songs and chants, telling and retelling a story, information gap, role play, guessing game, etc. Brewster, Ellis, and Girard, 2002: 102 – 116. Looking at those activities, it is very helpful for the teacher to teach listening and speaking skills. Teacher can directly implement or modify this kind of activities to motivate students in learning English. So they will not get bored anymore. Another problem related to the material is about the content of the materials. As it is explained before that the teacher takes all the materials from the students worksheet, it makes the content of each material is in the form of paragraph, question – answer task, also grammar task. It is hard to find appropriate materials for listening and speaking. If it is in the form of song or videos, another problem is that there is no computerlaptop, VCDDVD player, LCD, or speaker to play it. The last problem is that most of English course books for Elementary School published in Indonesia only contain a lot of reading and writing tasks. Meanwhile, student’s worksheet which is used by some Elementary Schools, including SD Negeri Tempurejo 3, does not help much in increasing students’ listening and speaking abilities. It is hard to find such books which most of the materials containing listening – speaking activities.

C. Limitation of the Problem