Background of the Problem

focused on the students’ writing and reading skill and she seldom gave speaking practice so far. In the teaching speaking the teacher tended to use conversation in the textbook and the students were asked to practice. She also explained the materials very fast and very short so that the students could not get the meaning well. The teacher seldom used interactive teaching techniques, such as games or group works. She mostly used individual practice that made the students feel bored of the lesson. This problem makes the learning activities boring because they are monotonous and less challenging for some students. Moreover, the technique that the teacher brought into the class cannot accommodate the students to communicate with and learn the language effectively. The third problem is related to the technique and activities used in the teaching-learning process. The speaking tasks and activities were difficult for the students. The activties did not attract the students, so they were bored with the tasks and the activities. There were no interactive teaching techniques, such as games or group works. The activities were sometimes too difficult and uninteresting for the students. They felt bored with the task and activities, so that the students found many problems in doing the activities. Here, the speaking was taught in formal classes using old method. It made the students have low motivation to speak. The last problem is related to the students’ learning achievement. The students generally had low language skills. As with the speaking skill, they found problems in using vocabulary, identifying appropriate expressions, answering questions orally in their own words and overcoming their fear to speak English.

C. Limitation of the Problem

From the identification of the problem above, it is clear that there are many problems related to the teaching of speaking, it is impossible for the researcher to discuss the entire problems. This study is limited to the problem in the use of teaching and learning technique, particularly the technique to improve English speaking ability. This research focuses on improving the speaking ability of Grade VII A students’ at SMP N 1 Moyudan by using Jigsaw technique.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background, identification, and limitation of the problem presented above, the researcher formulates the problem as follows: “How can Jigsaw technique improve the speaking ability in class VII A of SMP Negeri 1 Moyudan in the academic year 20122013 ?” E. Objectives of the Research In relation to the formulation of the problem above, the objective of the research are: 1. To improve students’ speaking ability by using Jigsaw technique 2. To find out how much Jigsaw technique can improve students’ speakinng ability

F. Significance of the Research

It is hoped that the findings of this study will give some benefits in the following ways. First, it is hoped that these research provides beneficial and referential contributions in giving general knowledge of the way to improve the students’ speaking ability. Second, it is expected that these research findings will be useful for the English teachers. The result of this study hopefully can provide the teacher with information on which technique is more effective to be used in teaching speaking to improve the speaking ability of the students, particularly the seventh grade students of junior high school. Third, it is expected that this study will make the students of SMP N 1 Moyudan more interested and motivated to learn and to speak English.