closing of the lesson. The opening part covered the way the teacher greeted the students and opened the lesson. The core part covered several points such as the activities during the l esson, the techniques that the teacher used, the students’ involvement in the teaching and learning process, and the students’ speaking ability. Then, in the closing part the guideline focused on the way the teacher reviewed the material and closed the lesson. It is used to find out the existing problems and the students improvements during the implementation. Meanwhile, in the action and observation steps, the points of the observation guideline were almost the same as the guideline in the reconnaissance step but there were some additional points in the core part such as the students’ responses toward the activities and techniques that were used by the teacher, and the students’ understanding of the material. 2. Speaking test The rubric of the students’ speaking performances was used to assess the students’ speaking ability. It was used two times, in pre-test and post-test. In those tests, the rubric focused on four aspects that were fluency, accuracy, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Each aspect was scored 1 to 10 in which every score has different indicator; if the score is getting higher, the indicator will be more complicated and vice versa. 3. Interview An interview guide was used in the reconnaissance and reflection steps. In the reconnaissance step, the in-depth interview guide was used to find the existing problems in the field. While in the reflection step, it was used to see the students’ and collaborator ’ responses to the implementation of the action. There were two kinds of interview guide, one was for interviewing the English teacher and one was for interviewing the students. The interview guide was used by the teacher, the focuses of the points were the teacher’s perception of the students’ English competence, the students’ involvement during the lesson, the technique that was used by the teacher, the activities, the materials, also the facilities and media in the English teaching and learning process. For interviewing the students, the interview guide focused on the students’ perception of the English lesson, the difficulties in learning English, and the activities and techniques used by the teacher during the English lesson. There were two kinds of in-depth interview guide in the reflection steps which were for the students as the subjects of the research and the collaborator. For interviewing the students, the guidelines focused on the students’ opinions about the actions, the improvement of their speaking ability, and their difficulties during the activities of the actions. For collaborator, the points of the interview guide were the collaborator’s opinion about the action, the condition of the class, the improvement of the speaking learning process and the students’ involvement during the teaching and learning process.

D. Data Collection Technique

The data of the research were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data were obtained by observing the English teaching-learning process in the classroom and interviewing the English teacher and the students. The researcher observed the process and the problems related to the teaching and learning process