Determining some Actions to Overcome the Field Problems

1 Using jigsaw technique in teaching speaking. The implementation of Jigsaw was conducted in two meetings. The researcher and the teacher agreed to implement this technique because it was able to attract the students in practicing speaking. The description of the action for each meeting is presented below. a. 1 st meeting The first meeting was conducted on Thursday, September, 12 th 2013. The approach that was used during the teaching and learning process was a text –based approach. This approach consists of four phases; BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT. For the first phase of the teaching and learning process which was Building Knowledge of the Field phase BKOF, the students were given information related to the text, such as the characteristic of the text. Then, in the Modeling of the Text phase MOT, the students were given an example of spoken descriptive text in a dialogue. After giving the model of the text, they were asked about the descriptive text. Meanwhile, Jigsaw technique was employed in the Join Construction of the Text phase JCOT. The process was started with the teacher’s greeting. After conducting the pre-teaching, the teacher asked the students to make groups. There were six groups; each group consisted of six students. The teacher asked them to sit in their group and told them the rules of Jigsaw. The teacher gave them opportunities to ask if the students did not understand the rules. The activity of the first meeting was about practicing the expressions of Like and Dislike . Each group was given some pictures of food and drink. The students discussed what food and drink that each student likes and does not like. Then, after the discussion, they asked and shared information to other groups. This activity was done to find out how many students in the group who like or do not like the food and drink. b. Second meeting The second meeting was conducted on Thursday, September, 19 th, 2013. The meeting was about spoken descriptive which involved the expressions for describing people. It enables the researcher to implement the Jigsaw technique because the students seemed more interested in the topic in this second meeting than in the first one. It was because the students were familiar with this activity. The students worked in groups of six. Each group had a picture of family members. Each student had to describe the characteristics of one of the family members. The students who got the same picture of family member would gather in the expert group. Then the students came back to the home group. In the home group, each student shared the information of the picture. The group described the physical characteristic of the whole family member. Conducting Jigsaw technique in the English teaching-learning process provided a new experience for the students. It can be seen in the interview below. R : “Gitu ya dek, terus pendapat kalian tentang aktivitas yang baru itu lho, Jigsaw itu, menurut kalian gimana? What did you think about the teaching and learning using jigsaw? S1 : “Lumayan menarik mbak.” It was interesting. S2 : “Iya mbak, kayak diskusi tapi menarik gitu.” It was like a discussion, but more interesting. R : “Menarik gimana dek?” Interesting?