Pre-test and Post-test of the Students’ Speaking Ability

- The students spoke slowly and hesitantly. For example they practiced the dialogue in a low volume. although there are often hesitations. 2. Accuracy The students were not able to explain their idea. Sometimes the teacher correct their language. The students rarely made grammatical mistakes, for example they could arrange the phrases correctly. 3. Vocabulary Some students were not able to answer the teacher’s questions and instructions because of their limited vocabulary. - Most of the students were able to answer the teacher’s questions although sometimes they used inappropriate word choices. - The students improved her vocabulary. It can be found when they learned how to make a cup of tea. 4. Pronunciation Some students still mispronounced some English words. Most of the students were rarely mispronounced the English words. Based on the table 4, from the researcher assessment, it is found that the students made big improvement in the terms of fluency and vocabulary after the actions. Jigsaw can improve their self-confidence to learn and speak fluently and accurately. Jigsaw is also successful in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery. In addition, some students agreed that jigsaw was effective to make the students more confident to speak English. They also said that the activities had encouraged them to speak English fluently.


A. Conclusions

With regard to the data analysis, some conclusions are made below. Before the action research was conducted, the students’ speaking ability was still low. Here, the students are not given sufficient opportunity to develop and practice the speaking skill. Most of the students were shy and reluctant. In addition, during the English lesson, they tend to use mother tongue language or Indonesian rather than in English, so they do not practice English they have learnt. The teacher took only a little role in her teaching, modifying a little activity to improve the perform ance of students’ language skills. She mostly focused on the students’ writing and reading skill and she seldom gave speaking practice so far. When giving speaking practice she tended to use conversation in the textbook and the students were asked to practice. The teacher seldom used interactive teaching techniques, such as games or group works. She mostly used individual practice that made the students feel bored of the lesson. Moreover, the technique that the teacher brought into the class cannot accommodate the students to communicate with and learn the language effectively. After the researcher conducted jigsaw technique, they were involved in the speaking class. Jigsaw technique was effective to improve the quality of the speaking teaching and learning process. The students found it challenging 75 to play Jigsaw in the speaking class. The students were engaged to involve and participate actively in the speaking process through Jigsaw in small and big groups. They said that the activities were not only fun and enjoyable, but they were also able to help them increase their speaking ability and their confidence. They felt enthusiastic to perform in front of the class although the teacher did not point them to perform. The researcher also used classroom English to support his teaching in the class. They felt enthusiastic in learning English although some of the students still did not know the meaning of some English words and instruction from the teacher. Some of the students became more familiar with English but in limited expressions. In the last action, the researcher used rewards. The rewards were successful in improving the students’ involvement during the speaking teaching and learning process, especially in improving their motivation to perform their work in front of the class voluntarily. Here the students became more motivated to perform their work in front of the class voluntarily after the researcher implemented this action. Using jigsaw technique is more effective by the fact that the students’ post test score is higher than pre-test score. In the pre-test it was found that the mean of the students’ speaking ability was 6.66. Gathered from the English teacher’s assessment, the mean of the pre-test was 6.85. Meanwhile in the pre- test it showed that most of the students got the speaking score between 7 and 8. It can be concluded from the results that the students’ speaking ability has improved. It can be seen from the mean of the students’ speaking ability scored both by the researcher and the teacher has improved, from 6.66 and 6.85 in the pre-test to 7.54 and 7.75 in the post-test. Therefore, by seeing the improvement of students’ scores, it can be concluded that the use of jigsaw technique is believed to improve students’ speaking skills.

B. Implications

The research findings show that the implementation of Jigsaw technique in learning speaking can improve the students’ speaking ability, especially in class VII A of SMP N 1 Moyudan. This can be seen both from the students’ daily performances and their speaking achievement. The students were more active in the speaking teaching learning activities so that their speaking ability improved. They were more familiar with the words they learnt. Specifically, the implementation of Jigsaw technique gives positive effects on the students’ speaking ability because of some reasons. First, the technique did not make the students bored. Second, it could increase their involvement in the speaking teaching and learning process. Third, it could increase the students’ enthusiasm. Furthermore, the result of the study indicated that the process of implementing jigsaw technique run well because the class management was good. All of the students were able to participate equally because each of them had different responsibility toward the activities. It implies that the teacher should have a good ability in managing the class. Besides, the teacher should know the students’ characteristic so that the activities can accommodate the students’ interests.

C. Suggestions

After conducting this research, I offer several recommendations for the English teacher and other researchers as presented below. 1. To the English teacher Due to the limited time, I only implemented some activities. The English teacher needs to try to keep on applying other various techniques so that the students will be more motivated in the English teaching and learning process. During the research, the teacher only used media, such as pictures and card. The English teacher can use other media, such as power point so that the students will be more interested in the activities. Besides, she may implement other interesting and communicative activities in the teaching and learning process so that the quality of the English teaching and learning process can be improved. 2. To other researchers In this study, I conducted the research in two months because of the limited time. Other researchers may follow up this study in a longer time in order to find out more actions to improve the students’ speaking ability. Moreover, they can conduct this study in other grades, either in junior or senior high school so that the findings will be more satisfactory. They also can conduct this study in other schools which have different characteristics from SMP N 1 Moyudan.