Pre-requisite Analysis Objective Analysis

3. the students’ involvement, so that they were able to actively involved in speaking class. 4. the students’ ability in speaking English 2. Using classroom English. Here, the researcher acted as a teacher. The data from the interviews showed that the teacher seldom used Classroom English so that the students were not encouraged to speak English in class. Therefore, during this cycle, the researcher used Classroom English during the teaching and learning process in order to make the students more familiar with English words. It is because the students were expected to improve their opportunities to speak English in the class. 3. Asking the students to perform their work in front of the class The data from the observation and the interview showed that the students had less opportunity to speak in front of the class during the teaching and learning process. The students were asked to perform their work in front of the class to make them confident in speaking in front of their friends before the classmates. By doing this activity, the students were expected not to be shy to speak in front of their friends.

b. Action and Observation in Cycle 1

The actions of cycle 1 were implemented on September 12 th , 28 th 2013. The topic focused on expressing Like and Dislike and Spoken Descriptive . The materials were taken from the a source book and an electronic book such as “Let’s talk and Buku Sekolah Elektronik”. The implementations of the actions were discussed below: 1 Using jigsaw technique in teaching speaking. The implementation of Jigsaw was conducted in two meetings. The researcher and the teacher agreed to implement this technique because it was able to attract the students in practicing speaking. The description of the action for each meeting is presented below. a. 1 st meeting The first meeting was conducted on Thursday, September, 12 th 2013. The approach that was used during the teaching and learning process was a text –based approach. This approach consists of four phases; BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT. For the first phase of the teaching and learning process which was Building Knowledge of the Field phase BKOF, the students were given information related to the text, such as the characteristic of the text. Then, in the Modeling of the Text phase MOT, the students were given an example of spoken descriptive text in a dialogue. After giving the model of the text, they were asked about the descriptive text. Meanwhile, Jigsaw technique was employed in the Join Construction of the Text phase JCOT. The process was started with the teacher’s greeting. After conducting the pre-teaching, the teacher asked the students to make groups. There were six groups; each group consisted of six students. The teacher asked them to sit in their group and told them the rules of Jigsaw. The teacher gave them opportunities to ask if the students did not understand the rules. The activity of the first meeting was about practicing the expressions of Like and Dislike . Each group was given some pictures of food and drink. The