Qualitative Data Data Analysis Technique

1. Democratic validity It is concerned to the extend in which the research is trully collaborative. The researcher use the democratic validity by asking the seventh-grade English teacher, the principal, and the class VII A students to work collaborativelly to improve the speaking ability of the students in the teaching learning process. 2. Outcome validity It is related to the outcome achieved by the researcher. The achievement of the outcome involves not only problem solving but also appearing new questions in the related research. To get the outcome validity, here the researcher use the result of the study at the first grade students of SMP N 1 Moyudan in a scheme to make new questions. 3. Process validity Process validity means the actions that are done in the research are believable. To get the process validity, the researcher collected the data by doing classroom observations and took some notes during the research. The researcher notedrecorded anything which happened in the teaching learning process of the seventh grade students at SMP N 1 Moyudan. 4. Dialogic validity Dialogic validity means that the researcher always having dialogues with the collaborator and the teacher in reviewing what had done in the classroom. In this research the researcher had dialogues with the collaborator to review the actions so that she could plan better lessons for the next meetings. She also had a dialogue after the whole actions were implemented and the findings were formulated to validate her findings and to evaluate what had she done. 5. Catalytic validity The catalytic validity means the changes of the researcher, the teacher, and the students after implementing the actions. The researcher fulfilled the catalytic validity by interviewing the teachers and the students, and asking the students to give their feedback. Meanwhile, to enhance the trustworthiness of the data and to reduce the subjectivity in analyzing the data, the researcher used triangulation. Burns 1999: 163 states that triangul ation is a way of arguing that ‘if different methods of investigation produce the same result, then the data is likely to be valid’. Furthermore, Burns 1999: 164 proposes four forms of triangulation. They are time, space, investigator, and theoretical triangulation. This research use time triangulation because the data of the research were collected over a period of time in order to identify the factors that were involved in the change of process. Then, to get the investigator triangulation, the researcher asked another researcher team member to help the researcher in the reflection steps so that it could avoid the biased interpretation. Also, this research has theoretical triangulation since the data were analyzed from more than one perspective. In order to ensure the reliability, the researcher used the scores of students’ performance tests, interview transcripts, and field notes. To obtain the data about teaching and learning processes, the researcher interviewed the collaborator, observed the teaching and learning processes, and interviewed the students who