The Weighing of the Field Problems based on the Urgency Level

Then, the main cause of each field problem and the objectives of the actions were found, so that the analysis helped me and the English teacher to determine some actions to solve the field problems. Here, the teacher and the researcher considered that the condition of the students who were shy and afraid of speaking in front of the class could have been caused not only by the students’ characteristics but also by other factor, such as the teacher did not create interesting speaking activities, the media were rarely used in the teaching of speaking, the speaking teaching-learning process lacked of the use of learning facilities, and the teacher rarely used games in speaking class so that the students got bored. As a result, their speaking ability was low. For example, some of the students did not speak English well and they pronounced some words incorrectly.

6. Determining some Actions to Overcome the Field Problems

Based on the pre-requisite and objective analysis, the researcher and the English teacher formulated some actions to overcome the problems. Here, the teacher and the researcher tried to look for the appropriate ways to improve the students’ speaking ability. At that time, Jigsaw technique is proposed as a technique to be used in the action and the teacher agreed about it. The use of Jigsaw was based on the problems that existed in the field. The teacher said that this technique had never been used before.

B. The Implementation of the Actions

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

Before implementing the action, the researcher consulted the plan to the teacher about the media and the materials. We decided the implementation of the technique in Cycle I. In the teaching-learning process, the researcher acted as the teacher and the teacher as the observer. Based on the field problems above, the researcher and the teacher agreed to implement some actions to overcome the problems. The actions were as follows: 1. Using Jigsaw technique in teaching speaking. The implementation of Jigsaw was intended to increase the students’ speaking ability. It was done in group works. It was expected to give the students opportunity to speak so that the students’ speaking competence was built through the activities. Jigsaw was implemented in the classroom by dividing the students into six groups. At the first meeting of implementing Jigsaw technique, the researcher divided the students into six groups, each the group consisted of six students. The researcher counted and pointed the students randomly. The students who got the same number gathered to be one group. Group work activities were done for carrying out the task. Based on the actions above, the first cycle of the action research aimed to increase: 1. the stude nts’ motivation to speak English 2. the students’ confidence to speak English