Reflection of Cycle 2 Cycle 2

higher. They enjoyed the activity very much. The reward given in the cycle II helped this action work well. The rewards were successful in improving the students’ involvement during the speaking teaching and learning process, especially in improving their motivation to perform their work in front of the class voluntarily. Here the students became more motivated to perform their work in front of the class voluntarily after the researcher implemented this action. It can be seen, in the first meeting, there were four students who wanted to perform their work in front of the class voluntarily. In the class, the students were very enthusiastic when the teacher provided them with the right pronunciation of some words. Here the teacher also asked the students to repeat the correct pronunciation. The implementation of giving feedback on the students’ pronunciation was successful in improving the students’ speaking activity. Giving feedback after the lesson was very useful for the students so that they would not make pronunciation mistakes anymore. They were also able to read some abbreviations and numbers.

C. General Findings

In reference to the implementation and reflection of the actions of cycle 1 and cycle 2, there are general findings of the research below. 1. Jigsaw technique was effective to improve the students’ speaking ability. In the process, the students were involved and participate actively in the speaking learning process through Jigsaw in small and big groups. 2. Jigsaw can be one of alternative techniques in English teaching learning. It can be used as a technique in improving the students’ speaking ability. The students enjoyed the activities that were provided by it. 3. Jigsaw technique gave some benefits for the students. It was effective to improve their independence and group cooperation in learning speaking. Through jigsaw technique and sharing ideas, the students were assigned to think actively, seriously, and critically in speaking. Here, the students could help each other solve their problems. 4. The implementation of classroom English was able to improve the students’ speaking ability and make them more familiar with the English words. Moreover, it was able to increase the stu dents’ opportunities to speak English during the teaching and learning process. 5. Here the students were more familiar with the English words. It made the students understand the teacher’s questions without translating the questions. However, sometimes the students seemed confused with the questions. Knowing this condition, the teacher repeated the questions. 6. It is found that the students wanted to perform voluntarily. Here can be seen that the students felt enthusiastic to perform in front of the class although the teacher did not ask them to perform. The students’ confidence increased, they were brave to perform without being asked by the teacher. They felt it was challenging to perform their work in front of the class. 7. There were some factors which should be considered in order to minimize the problems during the implementation of the actions. First, the time management influences the effectiveness of speaking activities. It should be well arranged in order to avoid the lack of learning time for a certain activity. Second, the teacher’s creativity and preparation in designing and planning the speaking activities before implementing Jigsaw determines the success of learning activity. Third, the group formation gives big impact in the speaking process. Grouping the students by considering their needs can minimize conflicts during the learning process. Grouping the students by counting and pointing is also not effective because it can cause conflict to the students. Fourth, clear and understandable instructions should be used in order to minimize students’ confusion toward the implementation of new learning technique and activities. 8. Interesting media and speaking resources were necessary to support the implementation of Jigsaw for teaching speaking. These were useful for both the students and the teacher to make the process of learning speaking easier and more enjoyable. 9. Giving rewards was able to improve the students to perform their work in front of the class voluntarily. They became more motivated and more confident to speak up in front of the class. 10. The implementation of giving feedback on the students’ pronunciation was successful in improving the students’ speaking ability since they did not make the same mistake in the next activities. Moreover, it could improve the students’ enthusiasm about the correct pronunciation of some words. Next, the researcher decided to stop the cycle since the result in Cycle 2 showed better improvements of the speaking class. The improvements can be seen in the