b. Modeling of Text

1 The teacher shows the part of the face.Task 2 2 The students practice to pronounce the parts of the face and the adjective. e.g. nose, head, lips, eye,ear, pinted, slanted, flat, etc. Task 2 3 The teacher gives the example of spoken descriptive text. Task3 4 The teacher and the students identify the structure of spoken descriptive text. 5 The teacher and the students identify the general structure of the text.

c. Join Construction of the Text

1 The teacher implements jigsaw. She asks the students to make a group of six. 2 Each group have a picture of family members. Each student has to describe the physical features of one of the family members. The students who get the picture of the same family member gather in the expert group to identify the characteristics. Then, after the identification of the pictures, the students come back to the home group. In the home group, each student should share the explanation of the picture about. The group should describe the physical characteristic of their picture. Task 5

d. Independent Construction of the Text

The teacher asks the students to take turn describing the picture of one of the family member that is given in the previous task in front of the class. Task 6

3. Closing Activities

a. The teacher provides overall feedback for the students’ speaking performances. b. Together with the students, the teacher summarizes the lesson. c. The teacher motivates the students to keep learning and practicing their English. d. The teacher says goodbye.

F. Learning Resources

1. Priyana Jaka, dkk. 2008. Scaffolding . Jakarta. Pusat Perbukuan Departement Pendidikan Nasional 2. The relevance pictures

G. Assessment

Assessment indicators No Indicators Technique Form of assessments Examples 1. Using the spoken descriptive text to describe the physical characteristics based on the picture given in jigsaw activity. Group work in jigsaw activity. Fluency and accuracy-based speaking task. How does shehe look like?? 2. The students are able to make a spoken descriptive text and perform it in front of the class. Individual show report in front of the class. Fluency and accuracy-based speaking task. Tell the family members based on the picture given. Tell your friend’s description with your own words.

H. Assessment Rubric

No Description Status Band Range of Score 1 . Speaking fluently with accurate grammar, diction and pronunciation. Great 5 4 – 5 2. Speaking with occasional hesitations although the hesitations do not interfere with communication, demonstrating correct grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Good 4 3-4 3. Speaking hesitantly because of rephrasing and searching for words, making some grammatical, pronunciation, and vocabulary mistakes. Fair 3 2-3 4. Producing disconnected speech speaking in single-word utterances and short patterns. Okay 2 1-2 5. Making many mistakes of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Poor 1 0-1