the class. Besides, the teacher should know the students’ characteristic so that the activities can accommodate the students’ interests.

C. Suggestions

After conducting this research, I offer several recommendations for the English teacher and other researchers as presented below. 1. To the English teacher Due to the limited time, I only implemented some activities. The English teacher needs to try to keep on applying other various techniques so that the students will be more motivated in the English teaching and learning process. During the research, the teacher only used media, such as pictures and card. The English teacher can use other media, such as power point so that the students will be more interested in the activities. Besides, she may implement other interesting and communicative activities in the teaching and learning process so that the quality of the English teaching and learning process can be improved. 2. To other researchers In this study, I conducted the research in two months because of the limited time. Other researchers may follow up this study in a longer time in order to find out more actions to improve the students’ speaking ability. Moreover, they can conduct this study in other grades, either in junior or senior high school so that the findings will be more satisfactory. They also can conduct this study in other schools which have different characteristics from SMP N 1 Moyudan. REFERENCES Arends, R.I. 2009. Learning to Teach . New York: McGraw-Hill. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan BSNP. 2006. Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMPMTS. Jakarta: Depdikbud. Brown, H.D. 2000. Principles of English Language and Teaching , Fourth Edition . New York. Longman. __________. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy . New York. Longman. Burns, A. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teacher. New York: Cambridge University Press. Cameron, L. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. New York: Cambridge University Press. Freeman, D.L. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . New York: Oxford University Press. Harmer, J. 2002. The Practice of English Language Teaching . London. Longman. _____________. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching 4 th Ed. . Essex: Pearson Education Ltd. Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford A dvanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English 5 th Ed . New York: Oxford University Press. Johnson, K. and K. Morrow. 1981. Communicative in the Classroom: Applications and Methods for a Communicative Approach. London: Longman. Kemmis and McTaggart. 1988. The Action Research Planner. 3 rd Ed.. Geelong: Deakin University. Lie, A. 2008. Cooperative Learning . Jakarta: Grasindo. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis 2 nd Ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc. Nunan, D. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning . Massachusetts: Heinle and Heinle Publisher. Priyana, 2008. SCAFFOLDING. English for Junior High School. BSE . Departemen Pendidikan Nasional: Jakarta. Richards, J.C. 1985. The Context of Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press. ____________. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today. New York: Cambridge University Press. Slavin, R.E. 1995. Cooperative Learning Second Edition: Theory, Research, and Practice. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., Williams, M. 2005. The TKT Course . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Suprijono, A. 2009. Cooperative Learning . Yogyakarta. Pustaka Pelajar. Winter, R. 1989. Learning from Experience: Principles and Practice in Action-Research . The Falmer Press. London. Jigsaw Teaching Technique. Wikipedia . 18 February 2010. Available: http:wikipedia.orgJigsaw_28teaching_technique29