Choral Talk Overlapping Talk

so becoming baluang ‘a place to keep money’. So here, the overlap is used by the speaker to delay the turn, but it does not occur at or near TRP. The second example of terminal overlap refers to reactive turn as a result of the prior turn. The overlap occurs near TRP, as shown in the extract of excerpt 43 reconstructed below. 10 B : Naga Nga dia Sinagai ? 11 C : e . alusi 12 A : [ alusi Naga oi, alusi donganmi B line 10 directed his turn to the entire group asking where Sinaga is, in case of the presence of some persons called Sinaga in the coffee-counter. When C line 11 responds B before reaching TRP but possible for the end of turn, A line 12 takes his turn and makes an overlap. This overlap occurs near TRP, so it is not considered an interruption. As seen from the data, B produces reactive utterance, C responds it with a bit weaker, and A overlaps in a reactive expression to respond B’s couraged utterance. Choral Talk

Choral talk refers to forms of talk and activity that are treated by interactional co-participants as not to be done serially, not one after the other, but to be done simultaneously. There are activities such as collective greetings, leave-takings, and congratulations in response to announcements of personal good news. Such activities in multi-person settings are regularly produced chordally, not serially, and the chordal production is heard as not competitive. Universitas Sumatera Utara In Toba Batak conversation such choral or chordal talk is realized in simultaneous talk as a part of an overlap because it is a more than one speaking at a time. There are two data which refer to smultaneous talk. One is constructed with words and another with senteces. The first is reconstructed from excerpt 46 below. 10 A : ni markalung muse , bagak kalungnga. 11 B : a, obat doi . 12 A : ima attong. na adong do horoha 13 : mangirim tu hamu ate. 14 B : aha ? 15 C : he.. he.. 16 A : obati As has been explained about excerpt 46, A is a participant who made a compliment to B. In the previous section A’s compliment was responded by B in an upgrading behaviour. But in the data above, A’s compliment line 10 is responded by B by downgrading , and then A line 12 agrees and at this place, A makes a question where did B get the neck-lace for curing desease. This question of A is not directly answered by B line 14 but initiated a repair by questioning again. After this turn C line15 and A line 16 starts simultaneously. It can be seen that B’s question in line 14 is directed to A, and A’s response in line 16 is a normal turn, an answer to question as a result of CSSN technique. Can B’s turn in line 15, as a laughter be said to be violating the rules of turn-taking? However, it cannot be considered an interruption as it is supportive to the speaker and uttered in a softer voice. C actually knows that B’s question is directed to A, and her overlap is just to orient to the next speaker turn, done by A. Universitas Sumatera Utara The second example of simultaneous talk is realized in the extract of excerpt 43 again. The overlap in this simultaneous talk is not considered an interruption as it occurs at TRP and the current speaker directs his utterance to the entire group eventhough he used an address term. It can be seen in the following data. 10 B : Naga nga dia Sinagai ? 11 C : E . alusi 12 A : [ alusi Naga oi, alusi donganmi 13 D : [ ison do au. 14 E : [ nyon Sinaga. At the conversation there are three Sinaga. B’s question is not actually directed to specific Sinaga, but it is even directed to the entire group. So the current speaker does not select next speaker. That is why C line 11 who is not one called Sinaga takes the next turn. Then A line12 does the same, he directs the utterance to the entire group. As has been explained that the occurrence of overlap, one of the causes is that at possible TRP any speaker can have a turn, or it is rule 1b of turn-taking, that is, if the current speaker does not select the next speaker, self-select is applied. Thus there is a possibility of simultaneous talk occurrence as speakers compete for the next turn. D line 13 and E line 14 at TRP, starts simultaneously. This simultaneous talk is not problematic because it displays a clarification or a clear response to the prior turns. Repair