The Techniques in Translating the Proper Nouns

of proper noun that found in the Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara, the translation techniques used by translator in translating proper nouns, and the degree of meaning equivalence of the translation of the proper nouns.

1. The Types of Proper Noun

This point aims to analyze the types of proper noun in the novels. The types are divided into six types. They are personal names, geographical units, nationalities and religions, holidays, time units, word used for personification. In this study, the most frequent type of proper noun which occu rs in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara is personal name while the most infrequent type is holiday. Further explanation is described in following discussion. a. Personal Names There are 250 out of 666 data that categorized as personal names. Below are some the examples of the data. ST: Aku bahkan sudah berjanji dengan Randai, ... TT: Id even made a pact with Randai, … 335.5PNcopFE Randai is a friend of Alif, the main character in Negeri 5 Menara. Randai is a rival in everything especially in academic. The translator copies the ST into the TT and it makes the meaning fully equivalent. ST: ...aku ingin kuliah di UI, ITB dan terus ke Jerman seperti Pak Habibie. TT: …attend university at the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and continue on to Germany, like Mr. B.J. Habibie. 488.8PNaddFE Datum number 48 refers to the third president of Indonesia. The translator adds the full name of Pak Habibie to translate it. Since the translator adds the full name of Pak Habibie, it makes the TT have the fully equivalent meaning. ST: Aku memanggilnya Pak Etek Muncak. TT: I called him Uncle Muncak. 7416.16PNrenFE Pak Etek Muncak is relative of Alif. The translator uses rendition technique to translate it. In English, Pak Etek means uncle and Muncak is the name of person. Therefore, Uncle Muncak in the TT has fully equivalent meaning. ST: Ini adalah gaya Bung Karno,.. TT: This was the style of President Sukarno ,… 343155.145PNrecFE Datum number 343 refers to Bung Karno who is the founding father and the first president of Indonesia. The translator recreates it to be President Sukarno, which is the full name of Bung Karno. In Indonesia, “Bung” is a common call for a man in the period of the struggle for independence era. ST: …tidak jauh dari sekitar Barry Prima, . . . TT: - 373171.160PNdelNM The last example is datum number 373. Barry Prima, is Indonesian senior actor in 80’s. The translator deletes in the translation version and it makes no meaning in the TT. b. Geographical Units In Negeri 5 Menara there are 210 occurrences of geographical units. Below are the examples and the explanation. ST: . . .secawan es tebak di Pasar Ateh, Bukittinggi. TT: …a glass of shaved ice made by a spinning machine in my village in West Sumatera. 042.2GUdelNM Pasar Ateh is a market in Bukittinggi. The translator does not translate it in the TT. It has no meaning in the TT since the translator deleted it. ST: . . .secawan es tebak di Pasar Ateh, Bukittinggi. TT: …a glass of shaved ice made by a spinning machine in my village in West Sumatera . 052.2GUsubPE The next datum is number 05 reffering to Bukittinggi. It is a city in West Sumatera Province. The translator substitutes Bukittinggi into West Sumatera. It has partly equivalent meaning in the TT because West Sumatera is too general when it is used to change Bukittinggi. ST: … yang lulusan Pondok Madani di Jawa Timur. TT: … who have graduated from Madani Pesantren in East Java.