Meaning Equivalence About Negeri 5 Menara

creation, substitution, deletion, addition, transposition, phonological replacement, and conventionality. The notion of meaning equivalence in this research is adopted from Bell ’s theory. Based on his theory, it is divided into equivalent meaning and non equivalent meaning. Equivalent meaning consists of fully equivalent meaning and partly equivalent meaning. The fully equivalent meaning occurs when the message of the source text is fully translated into the target text. For example word “Sumatera Barat ” translated into “West Sumatera”. While partly equivalent meaning occurs when the translation omits or adds some information in the target text that is not found in the source text. The meaning of the source text is not fully delivered into the target text. For example the words “Sazli Rais” that refers to a news anchor has special characteristic, in the target text it is generalized into “news anchor”. Non-equivalent meaning consists of different meaning and no meaning. Different meaning occurs when the meaning from the source text is translated differently into the target text. The example of different meaning is the word “Isya” in the ST which means one of Muslim’s pray, it is translated in the TT into “dinner” which means eating in the evening. No meaning occurs when one or some words are omitted so that the information or message of the source text loses in the target text. The example is the word “Betawi”. In the ST, which is omits in the TT.

C. Analytical Construct

The aims of this research are to identify the types of proper nouns and the techniques that are used to translate the proper nouns in Negeri 5 Menara by A. Fuadi and its translation The Land of Five Towers by Angie Kilbane, and to describe the degree of meaning equivalence of the translation proper nouns in those novels. To fulfill these aims, the researcher makes a diagram of thinking. Firstly, the researcher finds the proper nouns which are exist in Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara and its English version. After that, she classifies the types of the proper nouns. After classifying the types, she identifies the techniques of their equivalents of proper nouns. The last step is examining the quality of the translation of the proper nouns in terms of the meaning equivalence. 21 Translation Intralingual Interlingual Intersemiotic Bilingual

A. Fuadi’s Negeri

5 Menara ST Translation Process Multilingual

A. Fuadi’s The Land of Five Towers translate by Angie

Kilbane TT Proper Nouns Meaning equivalent Equivalent Non-equivalent Types: 1. Personal names 2. Geographic units 3. Nationalities and religions 4. Holidays 5. Time units 6. Word used for personification Partly equivalent Translation Techniques: 1. Rendition 2. Copy 3. Transcription 4. Re-creation 5. Substitution 6. Deletion Different meaning No meaning 7. Addition 8. Transposition 9. Phonological replacement 10. Conventionality Fully equivalent Figure 2. Analytical Construct 22


A. Type of Study

This study is a descriptive qualitative research. According to Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009:7, a qualitative research is a research that produces narrative or textual description of the phenomena under study. Since this research uses descriptive qualitative research, it will deliver the finding in the sentences. However, to support the data analysis, this research also uses quantitative analysis to show the frequency of the occurrence of each phenomenon.

B. Data and Data Sources

The data of this research are taken from Negeri 5 Menara novel by A. Fuadi published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2009 and its English version which is translated by Angie Kilbane, The Land of Five Towers, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2011. The data which analyzed are the proper nouns which exist in the Bahasa Indonesia text and their English translation in the form of words or phrases.

C. Research Instrument

The instruments in this research are the researcher herself, data sheet, and related references. The researcher acts as the planner, data collector, data analyst and reporter of the analysis result. Meanwhile, in doing this research, the researcher uses additional instrument such as dictionaries, internet connection, and a laptop to collect and classify the data. Below is the data sheet table. Table 1. Data Sheet FE PE DM NM meaning equivalence ST TT PN GU cop E NE no cod e data types of proper noun translation techniques p h on re p con a d d tr p os tr cr ip re c su b d e l NR H TU P re n

D. Research Procedure

1. Data collection In this step the researcher took all data which are related to the research focus. When collecting the data, the researcher read and reread both novels Negeri 5 Menara and The Land of Five Towers. 2. Data Analysis The analysis process was undertaken by several steps. The first was classifying the proper nouns found in the source text. In this step the researcher had to make sure that the proper nouns had been classified in the right types. The second, after classified the proper nouns, the researcher found the equivalents of the proper nouns in the target text. The researcher must read the target text carefully to get the equivalents, because it influenced the next step. Then, the researcher identified the translation techniques that suitable with the source text and the target text. The last step was examining the translation quality of the proper nouns in terms of the meaning equivalence.

E. Trustworthiness

To achieve the realiability, credibility, and dependability of the data, the researcher did the analysis several times to check whether the research results were still same. This realiability ensures that the result represents something real.