The Techniques in Translating the Proper Noun

The third example i s “Said Jufri”. It is a personal name. He is Alif’s friend in the novel. The translator also copies the ST. Therefore, it has fully equivalent meaning. ST: … 4. Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah TT: … 4. Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah 16758.55PcopFE The last example is Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah. Those are names of religion majors in Madani Islamic Boarding School. This datum is also copied by the translator in the TT. Since the ST is copied in the TT, therefore the meaning of all data using copying technique is exactly fully equivalent. c. Transcription This technique occurs 9 times in this study. Here are the examples. ST: Maka selesai shalat Ashar berjamaah,… TT: After finishing congregational Asr prayer,… 19282.76NRtrcripFE The first example is Ashar. For Moslem it is a prayer in the afternoon before the sunset. The translator transcripts it into “Asr”, the pronunciation is quiet different but the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: …melagukan syair nakal Abu Nawas bersama sebelum shalat Maghrib. TT: …sang the Poem of Abu Nawas before Magrib Prayer. 334142.133NRtrcripFE It is same as the second example, Maghrib, Moslem prays Maghrib after the sunset. The translator transcripts into “Magrib”, the transcripton is changed but the meaning is still equivalent. ST: …dengan membaca Ayat Kursi dan Surat Yasin dari kitab Quran kecilnya… TT: …reciting the Throne Verse and Surah Ya Sin from his small holy Al- Quran. 520241.228NRtrcripFE The third is Surat Yasin. It is one of 36 th surah in Al- Qur’an. The translator changes the transcription of Yasin with adds a space between Ya and sin. Since the pronunciation is not changed, the meaning is also fully equivalent. ST: Mata pelajaran Al-Quran dan Hadits juga dibawakan … TT: The subjects Al-Quran and Hadiths were also presented… 283112.105NRtrcripFE The last example is hadits. In Islam, there are two guidance, Al- Qur’an and hadits. Al- Qur’an is the holy book and miracle which is given to Prophet Muhammad through J ibril, the angel. Hadist is record of Prophet Muhammad’s sayings or customs which is retold by his companions. The translator translates it into hadiths. She transcripts the –its into –iths. The spelling is changed but it does not change the meaning. d. Recreation This technique occurs 16 times. From all occurrences, there are some examples of recreation. ST: …bordir yang produknya sampai ke Tanah Abang. TT: …embroidery business whose products went as far as Malaysia. 24899.93GUrecDM The first example is datum number 248, Tanah Abang. It is name of a place in Jakarta, Indonesia. In translating those words the translator recreates Tanah Abang into Malaysia. It is totally different meaning because Malaysia is a country in north-west of Indonesia near Sumatera and Kalimantan or Borneo. ST: …ditambah segelas susu atau Milo,…. TT: …a glass of milk or iced chocolate,… 308120.112PrecFE The next is datum is number 308, Milo. It is a brand of chocolate powder drink in Indonesia that can be served hot or cold. The translator recreates it into iced chocolate. Since the points in the ST and the TT are the same, chocolate, this datum is fully equivalent meaning. ST: …tak ada dana khusus untuk libur pulang ke Padang. TT: …wasn’t any special money for me to come home to West Sumatra on the break. 472214.201GUrecPE The third example is Padang. It is a city in West Sumatera Province. The translator recreates Padang into West Sumatera. This datum is partly equivalent because West Sumatera is wide. When someone says West Sumatera, people can think Bukittinggi, Solok, Pariaman. When someone mentions Padang, people know that Padang is in West Sumatra. If the translator wants to get fully equivalent meaning, she can copy the ST or add the ST such as Padang, West Sumatra. It makes the information fully delivered to the target reader. ST: …memasukkan koper-koper kami ke Suzuki Hijet biru…. TT: …put our bags in a blue Daihatsu Hijet…. 494223.209PrecDM The last example is datum number 494, Suzuki Hijet. It is a brand of car. The translator recreates into Daihatsu Hijet. The meaning is different because Hijet type is one product of Daihatsu not Suzuki. e. Substitution This technique is used 16 times from all 666 data. The examples are explained as follows. ST: …kutipan pidato Bung Karno. TT: ….excerpts from Sukarnos speeches. 10927.26PNsubFE Datum number 109, Bung Karno, is a nick name of first president Indonesia. The translator substitutes Bung Karno with his full name, Sukarno. Even the translator changes Bung Karno into Sukarno, it does not change the meaning. Therefore the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: Pertama adalah Masjid Jami … TT: The first is the main mosque … 11231.30GUsubFE The next example is datum number 112, Masjid Jami’. It is a big mosque in a certain place. Usually, Masjid Jami’ is used as center of religious activity. The translator substitutes the word jami’ with main. According to Cambridge Advance Learners Dictionary one of the meanings of the word “main” is something which has more influence than others of the same type. That means Jami’ and main are fully equivalent meaning. ST: …dengan membaca Ummul Al-Quran dan dilanjutkan … TT: …by reciting Al-Fatihah and continuing … 15752.50NRsubFE The last example of this technique is datum number 157. This datum is found in page 52 in Bahasa Indonesia version. It is written Ummul Al-Quran which means the mom of Al-Q ur’an. It is known as the other name of Al-Fatihah, the first surah in Al- Qur’an. The translator directly substitutes with Al-Fatihah. Since the meaning is the same, therefore it is fully equivalent. f. Deletion This technique occurs 42 times. Here are some examples and the explanation. ST: …keteladanan Bung Hatta, Bung Sjahrir, Pak Natsir, atau Haji Agus Salim,…. TT: - 5010.10PNdelNM The first example is taken from datum number 50. Bung Sjahrir is a nick name of a national hero of Indonesia. His full name is Sutan Syahrir Soetan Sjahrir. He was the first prime minister of Indonesian Republic in period November 14, 1945 until July 3, 1947. The translator does not translate it. She just deletes it and makes the data no meaning in the TT. ST: Inilah persembahan Grup Balerong pimpinan Yus Datuak Parpatiah: Rapek Mancik. Rapat Tikus ... TT: This is a tribute from Balerong Group led by Yus Datuak Parpatiah: Mice Meeting … 8218.17PdelFE The second example is a title of traditional drama in West Sumatera. Yus Datuak Parpatiah: Rapek Mancik. Rapat Tikus is translated into “Yus Datuak Parpa tiah: Mice Meeting”. Yus Datuak Parpatiah is a Minangese artist who makes the story and Rapek Mancik is the title of the drama in Minangese which means Rapat Tikus in Bahasa Indonesia. The translator directly translates into “Mice Meeting” and deletes the Rapek Mancik. Even though the translator deletes it, the meaning does not changed. ST: Gue dari Jakarte, anak Betawi asli. Tau Monas kan?... TT: I’m from Jakarta. You know Monas,… 14647.44NRdelNM The third datum is Betawi. It is name of an ethnicity in Jakarta, Indonesia. The translator does not translate it. Since she deletes it in the TT, there is no meaning in the TT. ST: …tutup kepala mirip Pangeran Diponegoro. TT: …a turban reminiscent of Diponegoro.. 615347.325PNdelFE The last example is datum number 615, Pangeran Diponegoro. He is an Indonesian national hero. The translator deletes the word “pangeran” which is in English means “prince” and she copies the word “Diponegoro” in the TT. Although the translator deletes a part of the datum, but the meaning is fully equivalent. g. Addition Addition technique occurs 33 times in this study. The examples are explained as follows. ST: …ke Jawa saja tidak. TT: …why not to East Java? 12336.35GUaddFE Datum number 123, in the ST page 36 is Jawa. The translator translates into East Java. She adds “east” in the TT, since in the TT is more specific and it does not change the context so that the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: Saya dari Bandung ,… TT: Im from Bandung, West Java ,… 12743.41GUaddFE The next datum is Bandung, it is found in page 43 in the ST. Bandung is a capital city of West Java province. The translator adds information behind the word Bandung. She adds West Java to make the datum clearer. The meaning is fully equivalent because it does not change. ST: …terinspirasi dari nama barang seperti Guci dan Salayan,… TT: … names inspired by merchandise like Guci Jar and Salayan Traditional knife ,.. 23898.92NRaddFE The third datum is Salayan. Salayan is a Minangese’s tribe. The translator translates it into “Salayan traditional knife”. She adds the meaning of salayan. The meaning is fully equivalent because the translator does not change the meaning in translate it. ST: …melihat keramaian kota di Dago, Gedung Sate, … TT: … city vibe in the Dago area, Bandung’s iconic Gedung Sate building ,… 485221.208GUaddFE The fourth datum is Gedung Sate. It is a landmark of Bandung which is used as governor’s office. The translator also adds information in translating this datum. She translates it into “Bandung’s iconic Gedung Sate building”. Although there are several addition information, the meaning is fully equivalent because is reader can easily get the meaning. ST: …sampai ke luar kota: Lembang dan Tangkuban Perahu. TT: …outside the city limits to two other tourist locations: Lembang and Tangkuban Perahu volcano . 490221.208GUaddFE The last example of this technique is Tangkuban Perahu. It is a volcano which located in Bandung, West Java. The translator adds “volcano” behind the Tangkuban Perahu. It makes the meaning clearer and it has fully equivalent meaning. h. Transposition In this study, transposition occurs 10 times. The examples and the explanation are as follows. ST: …sebuah buku berjudul Biografi Kiai-Kiai Pendidik. TT: … a book titled Biographies of Kiais in Education. 15549.47PtrposPE The first example is datum number 155, Biografi Kiai-Kiai Pendidik,. It is a book title. The translator translates in the TT into “Biographies of Kiais in Education”. It is classified into transposition because the word pendidik means someone who teaches and education is the process of teaching. Since the meaning is changed from the person into the process, the meaning in the TT is partly equivalent. ST: …ala Eropa Timur seperti Weldinov, Martinov,… TT: …to Eastern European names like Weldinov, Martinov,… 21297.91GUtrposFE The next example is Eropa Timur. It is found in page 97. The translator translates it into “Eastern European”. It is classified into transposition because Timur east is noun and eastern is the adjective of east. Although the part of speech is changed, the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: …miniatur bangunan terkenal seperti Piramida Giza, Taj Mahal, Temple of Heaven di Cina … TT: …famous structure like the Pyramid of Giza, the Taj Mahal, and China’s Temple of Heaven . 612344.323GUtrposFE The last is datum number 612, Temple of Heaven di Cina. It is a historical building in China. The translator translates it into “China’s Temple of Heaven”. It is has fully equivalent meaning even though there is a change from Cina China, in the ST , a name of country in East Asia into “China’s”, the possessive word of China, which means location of the temple. i. Phonological Replacement It is the most infrequent technique in this study. It just occurs one time. Here is the occurrence and the explanation. ST: Gue dari Jakarte, anak Betawi asli. Tau Monas kan?... TT: I’m from Jakarta. You know Monas,… 14547.44GUtrcripFE Jakarte is found in page 47 in Negeri 5 Menara. In accent of Betawi a becoms e. It is classified as phonological replacement since the translator translates it into “Jakarta”. The meaning is fully equivalent because it does not change the meaning in the TT. j. Conventionality This technique occurs 111 times of all 666 data. Here are some examples. ST: …naik mobil ke kantor George Bush di Gedung Putih, … TT: …by car away from George W. Bushs office at the White House,… 122.2GUconFE The first example is datum number 12, Gedung Putih. It is US President’s office. It has been a conventionality that Gedung Putih is known as “White House”. The meaning in the TT is fully equivalent because the meaning does not change. ST: …sebelum terbang ke Eropa, untuk tugas…. TT: … before flying to Europe for work... 162.2GUconFE The second example is datum number 16, Eropa. It is one of continent in the world. The translation of Eropa in English is Europe. It is also a conventionality that Europe is Eropa. Since it had been a conventionality, the meaning does not change and it has fully equivalent meaning. ST: Sementara Rambo sibuk berkejar-kejaran dengan pasukan Vietnam. TT: ..while Rambo was busy in a chase with Vietnamese troops. 7716.16NRconFE The next datum is Vietnam. In this case, the context of the datum is people of Vietnam. It had been conventional that Vietnam people are known as Vietnamese. It does not change the meaning so that the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: Hari sekolah dari Sabtu sampai Kamis … TT: School is in session Saturday until Thursday … 16156.53TUconFE The last example is Sabtu. It is the name of 6 th day. It is a day before Sunday. In English it called as Saturday and it had been a conventionality. Since it had been a conventionality, the meaning is fully equivalent.

3. The Degree of Meaning Equivalence of the Translation of the Proper

Noun a. Fully Equivalent ST: . . . tampak The Capitol, gedung parlemen Amerika Serikat . . . TT: … lay the Capitol, …congressional building of the United States…. 021.1GUconFE The examples above are categorized into fully equivalent. It could be seen in translation of Amerika Serikat in the ST and the TT. Amerika Serikat is the name of country and it is classified in geographical unit. To get the fully equivalent meaning, the translator simply puts the translation of Amerika Serikat which had been a conventionality, United States, in the TT. ST: Insya Allah, dengan doa Amak dan Ayah, ... TT: Insya Allah, God willing , with Amak and Fathers prayer… 376.6NRaddFE The next example is also fully equivalent meaning. It could be seen from the translation of the datum in the ST and the TT. Insya Allah is a wish that Allah God is willing our activity or utterance. To make the fully equivalent meaning, the translator adds the meaning behind the Insya Allah. ST: … dan bertuliskan RM Padang TT: …that read RM Padang Padang Restaurant 10123.22PaddFE The example above is similar to the third example, RM Padang. The translator adds the translation of behind the RM Padang. It becomes “RM Padang Padang Restaurant”. Since the translator adds the meaning RM Padang in English, therefore it has fully equivalent meaning. ST: …dan aktif di Muhammadiyah. TT: …and was active in the Muhammadiyah organization. 479218.205PaddFE The last example is also fully equivalent. It can be seen in the translation of Muhammadiyah in the ST and in the TT. Muhammadiyah is the name of Islam organization, to make the translation fully equivalent to the target readers, the translator add the word “organization” in the TT. b. Partly Equivalent ST : …azan Ashar berkumandang… TT: …the call to afternoon prayer was already echoing…. 19181.76NRsubPE Datum number 191 is categorized as partly equivalent. It could be seen in the translation of Ashar in the ST which is translated by substituting it with afternoon prayer. The word Ashar means prayer when the sun in position about 45 degrees to west horizon. When the translator translates into afternoon prayer, it makes the meaning ambiguous because dzuhur is also done in the afternoon. ST: …naik ke puncak Jam Gadang yang tingginya hamper 30 meter. TT: …going up to the top of the Clock Tower at 30 meters tall. 20796.89GUrecPE The next example is Jam Gadang. It is a land mark of Padang. Gadang means big. It is classified as partly equivalent because the translator translates Jam Gadang into “Clock Tower”. The sense of “gadang big” and “tower” is different. ST:…memasukkan koper-koper kami ke Suzuki Hijet biru…. TT:…put our bags in a blue Daihatsu Hijet…. 494223.209PrecPE The last example is datum number 494, Suzuki Hijet in the ST which is translated into Daihatsu Hijet in the TT. It is classified as different meaning because Suzuki and Daihatsu are different brand of car. While the Hijet series is established by Daihatsu. That is why this case classified as partly equivalent since the Hijet is still delivered well in the TT. ST: …memegang teguh niatnya untuk sekolah ke Arab, … TT: …his intention to study abroad in the Middle East,.. 623363.340GUrecPE The last is datum number 623, Arab. It is a country in West Asia. The translator translates it into Middle East. It has partly equivalent meaning because when the target readers read Middle East, shehe does not exactly know that it means Arab since Middle East is too wide. However, everybody knows that Arab is a part of Middle East. ST: …mendaftar ke SMA terbaik di Bukittinggi. TT: …enroll at Bukittinggi State High School, the best in Bukittinggi. 305.5PrecPE That is example of partly equivalent which is found in the Fuadi’s Negeri 5 Menara and its translation. It could be seen in the translation of SMA in the ST which is translated differently into Bukittinggi State High School in the TT. The word SMA means secondary school or senior high school. It can be public school or state school. While in the TT, it becomes Bukittinggi State High School which is meant state high school located in Bukittinggi. It becomes partly equivalent since the meaning is partly delivered in the TT. c. Different Meaning In this study, different meaning occurs 9 times. Below are the example and explanation of each example. ST: Sehabis Isya, murid-murid berbondong- bondong… TT: After dinner , students filled … 15048.46NRrecDM The next datum is Isya in the ST which is translated differently into dinner in the TT. It has different meaning since Isya is a prayer for Muslim done in evening after Maghrib while dinner is the time for eating in the evening. Prayer and eating so are different things that it make the meaning in the TT is different. ST: … produknya sampai ke Tanah Abang. TT: …whose products went as far as Malaysia. 24899.93GUrecDM The third and forth examples also have different meaning in the ST and in the TT. In the ST on page 99 there is found Tanah Abang. It is a name of area in Jakarta which is translated into Malaysia in the TT. Malaysia and Jakarta are totally different, so that datum number 248 is classified in different meaning. ST: …kecuali mata pelajaran Reading. TT: …except in English. 304118.110PrecDM