The Degree of Meaning Equivalence of the Translation of the Proper

is meant state high school located in Bukittinggi. It becomes partly equivalent since the meaning is partly delivered in the TT. c. Different Meaning In this study, different meaning occurs 9 times. Below are the example and explanation of each example. ST: Sehabis Isya, murid-murid berbondong- bondong… TT: After dinner , students filled … 15048.46NRrecDM The next datum is Isya in the ST which is translated differently into dinner in the TT. It has different meaning since Isya is a prayer for Muslim done in evening after Maghrib while dinner is the time for eating in the evening. Prayer and eating so are different things that it make the meaning in the TT is different. ST: … produknya sampai ke Tanah Abang. TT: …whose products went as far as Malaysia. 24899.93GUrecDM The third and forth examples also have different meaning in the ST and in the TT. In the ST on page 99 there is found Tanah Abang. It is a name of area in Jakarta which is translated into Malaysia in the TT. Malaysia and Jakarta are totally different, so that datum number 248 is classified in different meaning. ST: …kecuali mata pelajaran Reading. TT: …except in English. 304118.110PrecDM The next example is Reading. It is a part of subject when someone studies English. The translator translates into English. It makes the meaning different because English is a language meanwhile Reading is a subject in English. d. No Meaning In this study no meaning occurs 29 times of all the 666 data. Below are the example of no meaning and the explanation of each example. ST: . . .secawan es tebak di Pasar Ateh, Bukittinggi. TT: …a glass of shaved ice made by a spinning machine in my village in West Sumatera. 042.2GUdelNM The example data belongs to no meaning since the proper noun in the ST is not translated in the TT. The first example is datum number 04, Pasar Ateh. It is a name of a market in Bukittinggi. The translator deletes it in the TT. ST: … berguru ke Mekkah asuhan ulama terkenal seperti Syeikh Ahmad Khatib Al-Minangkabawy dan Syeikh Sayid Babas El-Yamani. TT: …, studied in Mecca at the beginning of the 20 th century. 427.7PNdelNM The second datum is Syeikh Ahmad Khatib Al-Minangkabawy. He is a Muslim figure from West Sumatera. The translator also omits it in the TT. The next is Quint, it is a brand of ink, but in the TT, it is not translated by the translator. Since those proper nouns in the ST are not translated, it has no meaning in the TT. ST: Bau tinta hitam Quint meruap ke udara. TT: The smell of ink wafted into the air. 295115.108PdelNM

C. Summary of Types of Proper Noun, the Translation Techniques, and the

Meaning Equivalent According to Table 5, it can be seen that to reach fully equivalent there are many techniques which is can be used. The complete table and the explanation are as follows. Table 5. The Summary of the Data Types of Proper Noun Translation Techniques PN GU NR H TU P Rendition FE: 15 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 11 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 3 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 24 PE: - DM: - NM: - Copy FE: 210 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 71 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 23 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 2 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 48 PE: - DM: - NM: - Transcription FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 7 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 1 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - Recreation FE: 3 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 1 PE: 3 DM: 2 NM: - FE: 2 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 3 PE: 2 DM: 3 NM: - Substitution FE: 2 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 2 PE: 2 DM: - NM: - FE: 3 PE: 1 DM: 1 NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 1 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 2 PE: - DM: - NM: - Deletion FE: 1 PE: 2 DM: - NM: 9 FE: 7 PE: - DM: 1 NM: 3 FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: 6 FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 2 PE: 1 DM: - NM: 7 Addition FE: 5 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 14 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 5 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 9 PE: - DM: - NM: - Transposition FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 3 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 2 PE: 1 DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 1 PE: - DM: - NM: - Phonological Replacement FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 1 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - Conventionality FE: 2 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 86 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 27 PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: - PE: - DM: - NM: - FE: 6 PE: - DM: 1 NM: - FE: 14 PE: - DM: - NM: - 1. Personal name can be translated by using many techniques. Most of them make fully equivalent meaning. The most frequent technique is copy. 2. Most names of geographical units are translated by using conventionality technique. Several techniques have fully equivalent meaning, but there also occur partly equivalent, different meaning and no meaning. 3. Nationality and religion are mostly translated by conventionality technique. Most techniques make the meaning fully equivalent. 4. In the novel, holiday occurs two times and those are translated with copy technique. It has fully equivalent meaning. 5. Time unit is usually translated with conventionality and most of they are fully equivalent. 6. Word used for personification is mostly used copy technique. Most of it has fully equivalent. 7. Rendition can be used for translating many types of proper noun and the meaning of all the data which is translated by this technique are fully equivalent. 8. Technique copy also can be used for many types of proper noun and it makes the meaning fully equivalent. 9. In this study, transcription is used to translate nationality and religion and time unit. The degree meaning which is made is fully equivalent. 10. Recreation can be used for many types, but this technique does not always make the meaning fully equivalent. It can be seen from the occurrences of partly equivalent and different meaning in using if this technique. 11. Substitution also makes some data partly equivalent and different meaning. 12. Deletion has tendency for making no meaning but it is not always since it has fully equivalent in 10 data out of 39 data, partly equivalent three data and one different meaning. 13. All data that are translated use addition technique and are fully equivalent. 14. Most of the results of transposition are fully equivalent. 15. Datum which is translated by phonological replacement technique is fully equivalent meaning. 16. Conventionality makes most of data translated by this technique have fully equivalent meaning, but there is one datum with different meaning. 17. Proper nouns can be translated by using copy technique. 18. Partly equivalent or different meaning can be a good translation when the meaning is delivered to the target reader. 19. Translator can clarify the translation to reach the equivalent meaning of the ST.