The Types of Proper Noun

5612.11GUrenFE Datum number 52 is found in page 12 at original version. Pondok Madani is a place where Alif continues his school. It is a modern Islamic boarding school in East Java. The translator translates Pondok Madani into Madani Pesantren. In Bahasa Indonesia the context of pondok is pesantren. ST: …di Surau Kumango, Tanah Datar. TT: …in Kumango, Tanah Datar. 351161.151GUdelDM The last example is Surau Kumango. Surau is a synonym of mushola or a small mosque. Kumango is a little village in Bukittinggi. Therefore, Surau Kumango is small mosque in Kumango village. The translator omits the word surau, so that the meaning is different. c. Nationalities and Religions This type occurs 80 times. Here are the examples of the occurrence. ST: Insya Allah, dengan doa Amak dan Ayah, ... TT: Insya Allah, God willing , with Amak and Fathers prayer… 376.6NRaddFE The first example is datum number 37, Insya Allah, which means a wish. The translator adds the meaning of Insya Allah in the translation version and its keeping the meaning equivalence of the words. ST: …dengan membaca Alfatihah dan Ayat Kursi, …. TT: …after saying our prayer,… 18673.68NRrecDM Next datum, number 186, Alfatihah dan Ayat Kursi are parts of Al- Qur’an. Al Fatihah is the first surah in Al- Qur’an, while Ayat Kursi is one verse in surah Al- Baqarah. Ayat Kursi is 255 th verse. In the translation version, the translator recreates those words into “our prayer”. It makes the meaning different, because “our prayer” is too general when it is used for replace the specific prayer such as Al-Fatihah and Ayat Kursi. ST: …penuh orang Yahudi … TT: …full of Jewish people… 403177.166NRconFE The third example is Yahudi from datum number 403. It is a religion. The translation of this religion is Jewish. It has been a convention. Therefore, the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: …antara Minangkabau dan tanah Parahiyangan. TT: …between the two lands. 572310.290NRdelNM Datum number 572 is an ethnicity in Indonesia. This ethnicity is from West Sumatera. The translator does not translate Minangkabau, she deletes it. It has no meaning because in the TT is omitted. ST: Tuhan sungguh Maha Pendengar. TT: God truly is The Listener. 666405.383NRconFE The last example of this type is the last data. Maha Mendengar is one of the natures of Allah. The translator translates it into “The Listener”. Allah is truly the best listener. Allah will listen all the prayer of His people. It has fully equivalent meaning because it has been a conventionality. d. Holidays According to Cambridge Advance Dictionary Learner’s, holiday is an official day when someone do not have to go to work or school. In this study, there are two data that are classified as holiday. Here are the examples. ST: Pada suatu Idul Fitri , … TT: One Idul Fitri holiday, … 346160.150HcopFE ST: …hari besar keramat ketiga setelah Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri. TT: …the third biggest holy day after Idul Adha and Idul Fitri. 438190.177HcopFE Idul Fitri and Idul Adha are holidays. Those are celebrated by all Muslims in the world. Idul Fitri is celebrated on 1 st Syawal, while Idul Adha on 10 th Dzulhijah. The translator copies those ST to the TT. Therefore, the TT has fully equivalent meaning. e. Time units In this study, the time unit only occurs nine times from 666 data. Here are the examples. ST: Hari sekolah Sabtu sampai Kamis… TT: School is in session Saturday until Thursday… 16156.53TUconFE The first example is Sabtu which is found in datum 161. Sabtu is sixth day of the week before Sunday. In English, Sabtu is Saturday, it has been a convention. Therefore, the meaning in the TT is fully equivalent. ST: Setiap malam Senin dan malam Kamis … TT: Every Sunday night and Thursday night,… 305118.111TUsubFE Next datum is malam Senin, the translator substitutes Senin into Sunday which is actually Senin is Monday but the meaning is fully equivalent since malam Senin is equivalent with Sunday night. ST: …setiap malam Jumat, dia pasti mengira… TT: …every Thursday night, he’d surely think… 336149.139TUsubFE The example above is similar to malam Senin. Jumat is Friday, but the translator substitutes into Thursday since malam Jumat is Thursday night. It is also fully equivalent because the meaning in the ST and the TT refer to the same meaning. ST: Setiap malam Senin dan malam Kamis … TT: Every Sunday night and Thursday night ,… 306118.111TUconDM Datum number 306 is different from the three data explained before. The translator translates malam Kamis into Thursday night. It is a convention that Kamis is Thursday, but in this context malam Kamis means Wednesday night. Therefore, when the translator translates it into Thursday night, it makes different meaning in the target text. ST: …segera kembali ke PM bulan Syawal depan. TT: …to get back to MP next month in Shawwal. 543285.268TUtrcripFE The last example is datum number 543, Syawal. It is tenth month in Islamic calendar system. The translator translates it into Shawwal. Even if the transcription is different, but the pronunciation is the same. So, the meaning is fully equivalent. f. Words Used for Personification This type is a thing which is treated as a person. In this study, the researcher finds 115 occurrences of this type. Below is the example. ST: Aku ingin kuliah di UI, ITB dan terus ke Jerman seperti Pak Habibie. TT: …attend university at the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and continue on to Germany, like Mr. B.J. Habibie. 458.8PconFE The first example is UI or Universitas Indonesia. It is name of a university in Indonesia which is located in Jakarta. The translator translates into University of Indonesia. The translation of this example has been a convention. Therefore the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: … di loket bus antar pulau, P.O. ANS. TT: …a counter for the inter-island bus. 7315.15PdelNM The next is datum number 73, P.O. ANS. It is a bus company for destination to Sumatera. The translator does not translate this proper noun so it has no meaning in English version. ST: …di papan notnya: Sepasang Mata Bola. TT: …on the note board: Sepasang Mata Bola A Pair of Eyes… 11734.32PaddFE The third example is a title of song by Ismail Marzuki. The translator keeps the source language but she adds the translation in English and it makes the meaning equivalent. ST: ……Terminator, Naga Bonar, dan Dongkrak Antik. TT: …..Terminator, Naga Bonar, and Dongkrak Antik. 322129.120PcopFE ST: …seperti: Bangkitnya Nyi Roro Kidul, Ratu Buaya Putih,… TT: - 370171.160PdelNM Data number 322 and 370 are Indonesian movie in 1980’s. The first movie is Dongkrak Antik, a comedy movie stared by comedy group “Warkop DKI”. The translator keeps the source text and does not translate the title. Therefore, it has fully equivalent meaning. Different from the second movie, Bangkitnya Nyi Roro Kidul is a horror movie stared by Suzanna. The translator does not translate this. So, the first title has equivalent meaning and the second one has no meaning because the translator deletes it in the target text.

2. The Techniques in Translating the Proper Noun

This point centers on analyzing the translation techniques employed by the translator in translating proper nouns. All the 666 proper nouns which is discovered and listed as the data of the analysis are taken from the source novel by A. Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara and compared to the target novel The Land of Five Towers. Here are the techniques found. a. Rendition In this study rendition is found 51 times from all 666 data. The concept of rendition is similar with literal translation. Here are some examples. ST: ... ada surat dari Pak Etek Gindo,... TT: …theres a letter from Uncle Gindo… 5411.11PNrenFE In datum number 54, Pak Etek in Minangese means little brother of father. The translator translat es it into “Uncle Gindo”. Because the Pak Etek is translated into “uncle” so that this datum is classified as rendition. In the novel, Pak Etek Gindo is uncle of Alif, the main character in Negeri 5 Menara. This datum has fully equivalent meaning. ST: …tips yang dibacanya di buku Tuntutan Menjadi Orator Ulung . TT: … a tip he read in a book called A Tutorial on being a Good Orator. 342154.144PrenFE The second data is Tuntutan Menjadi Orator Ulung. It is the title of a book. The translator translates it into ”A Tutorial on being a Good Orator”. Literaly, it is the translation, has equivalent meaning with the ST. ST: …dengan membaca Ayat Kursi dan Surat Yasin dari kitab Quran kecilnya… TT: …reciting the Throne Verse and Surah Ya Sin from his small holy Al- Quran. 519241.228NRrenFE The third example is Ayat Kursi. It is a verse of surah Al-Baqarah in Al- Qur’an. Ayat Kursi is 255 th verse in Al- Baqarah. The translator translates into “throne verse”. Throne is equivalent with kursi because when we read the meaning of that verse, the word kursi means a throne not a chair. So, it is classified as rendition and it has equivalent meaning. b. Copy In this research, copying is the mostly used in translating the proper nouns. It is found 377 occurrences. From all the occurrences, here are some examples. ST: . . . menayangkan Wheater Channel yang mencatat . . . TT: … showed the Weather Channel, displaying... 032.2PcopFE Datum number 03, “Weather Channel”, is one of TV programs which broadcasts about the weather. The translator copies the ST into the TT. Therefore it has fully equivalent meaning. ST: … menumpang bus kecil Harmonis yang terkentut-kentut merayapi Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek . TT: …I rode a small Harmonis bus that sputtered along a notorious road called Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek. 7015.15GUcopFE Next datum is Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek. It is a name of a road in West Sumatera. The meaning of Kelok Ampek Puluah Ampek is 44 junctions. The translator does not translate it in the TT. The meaning is fully equivalent because the translator copies the ST in the TT. ST: Makhluk paling raksasa di kelas adalah Said Jufri yang berasal dari Surabaya. TT: The biggest creature in the class was Said Jufri from Surabaya. 13645.43PNcopFE The third example i s “Said Jufri”. It is a personal name. He is Alif’s friend in the novel. The translator also copies the ST. Therefore, it has fully equivalent meaning. ST: … 4. Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah TT: … 4. Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah 16758.55PcopFE The last example is Durusul Lughoh Arabiah dan Muthala’ah. Those are names of religion majors in Madani Islamic Boarding School. This datum is also copied by the translator in the TT. Since the ST is copied in the TT, therefore the meaning of all data using copying technique is exactly fully equivalent. c. Transcription This technique occurs 9 times in this study. Here are the examples. ST: Maka selesai shalat Ashar berjamaah,… TT: After finishing congregational Asr prayer,… 19282.76NRtrcripFE The first example is Ashar. For Moslem it is a prayer in the afternoon before the sunset. The translator transcripts it into “Asr”, the pronunciation is quiet different but the meaning is fully equivalent. ST: …melagukan syair nakal Abu Nawas bersama sebelum shalat Maghrib. TT: …sang the Poem of Abu Nawas before Magrib Prayer. 334142.133NRtrcripFE