From Science to Policy

170 presence of the Gambir business in the Lima Puluh Kota district, for example, culinary services, transportation, and even agro-tourism, and others. There are at least 6 six Gambir processing methods that can be pursued for the domestic market, namely i tannery industry, ii dye batik industry, iii wood preservative industry, iv plywood glue industry, v election ink industry, and vi food preservatives industry. Simple form of processing can be done to support the marketing efforts of Gambir. However, supports in the form of regulation regulation, legislation, etc. and capital should be provided by local governments and economic institutions such as banks. The required regulation is for example obligate the use Gambir as materials that are safer and more environmentally friendly in the industry activities. For instance, for the tannery industry should use it rather than chromium which is chemical. Same thing with the general election ink industry that can cause irritation to the skin and uses imported materials, can be substituted by Gambir that does not cause adverse effects to health Meeting Document February 27, 2011. In the long term, Gambir development can be done in the industry of pharmaceuticals raw materials for example a catechins factory and cosmetic raw materials industry. By developing Gambir, Indonesian economy can be revived through Gambir based industry results export, meet domestic demand while improve the welfare of the community because of Gambir’s nature which has multiplier effect to revive other sectors.

4. Conclusion

Efforts to develop Gambir in Lima Puluh Kota district is a series of activities that must be supported by the various parties and is hard to be achieved if is only done by the farmers alone. There are several things that can be inferred from Gambir development. First, the establishment of competitive farmer association Association of Farmers Group Gabungan Kelompok Tani so as to produce product with appropriate raw materials standards needed by the users. In this case Gapoktan is the institution that buys the products of farmers in collaboration with industry. Secondly, the establishment of a strategic partnership between Gambir stakeholders which is interdependent, supportive and mutually beneficial among industries investors, government, academia, society, Gambir farmers, merchants. Third, increasing the welfare of the community with the emergence of other ventures due to the Gambir development activities, such as transportation, 171 tourism, provision of food services, and establishment of industries that produces Gambir derivatives.

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