Developing Implementing Evaluating Instructional Design Model

43 standard competence and deciding general proposes which deal with basic competence are prepared. Then, learning objectives are determined so what the design wants or expects can be reached by students. Besides, materials and activities are also selected in designing. Therefore, after completing those steps, the first model of the Communication Practice is designed.

c. Developing

The model prototype is being developed here. Revision, feedback and suggestion will help in developing the model. After getting feedback and suggestion, the model prototype is revised. The actual product is made based on analyzing and designing step. Considering all of feedbacks, the actual product is presented. In this research, expert validation is needed to find suggestions and to develop the first model. Expert validation is conducted by distributing questionnaires to people who are considered to be expert in language teaching learning. After gaining the data from expert validation, the first model is revised to be the main model or product. Based on suggestions and feedbacks which are obtained in expert validation, the first model of the Communication Practice is developed.

d. Implementing

After developing the model, the next step is implementing. In this part, developing model is implemented. Implementation means to put the design into 44 action. The model is distributed to students. The activities and materials presented in the model are applied in the classroom. In this research, the Communication Practice Model is implemented in classroom. The researcher implements this model to students of vocational high school. The implementation is just for three units. Thus, every class will use the Communication Practice Model for three meetings. Students use this model to practice communicating. In the class, students practice activities and learn materials in the Communication Practice Model. Students are expected to be able to communicate.

e. Evaluating

Evaluating is needed for the revision of the model. There are two evaluations. They are formative evaluation and summative evaluation. According to Dick and Carey 2009: 7-8 the formative evaluation is to facilitate in improving the instructional process and product and the summative evaluation is the culminating evaluation and is not the part of the designing process. Therefore, this research uses formative evaluation in designing. After implementing, evaluation is used as suggestion to improve the actual model or product in order to make the model better. In this research evaluating is done after implementing. After implementation, the researcher distributes questionnaires to students in order to know their opinion on the Communication Practice Model and to know whether 45 the model needs to be revised. When the data gained shows the good result, so the main model or product revision is not necessary.

f. Effective Model