Topic Determining Topics, Goals, General Purposes and Learning Objectives

95 communicate using English. Students also gave positive responses to topics, materials and activities that should be involved in the Communication Practice Model. Therefore, the Communication Practice Model which possessed the Fluency Development, the Communicative Language Teaching and the Contextual Teaching Learning should have content based on students need to enable students to communicate using English. In conclusion, the need analysis gained from teachers and students showed most options that were chosen included strongly agree SA and agree A. Consequently, the responses from teachers and students indicated that their responses agreed with the statements about the concept of the iconic model. It meant the responses showed positive responses that the concept of the iconic model met students’ need about communication practice.

2. Determining Topics, Goals, General Purposes and Learning Objectives

Planning was conducted after collecting need analysis. Here, the second step of ADDIE which was design was applied. In designing, determining topics, goals, general process and learning objectives were done.

a. Topic

The topic chosen should be suitable with the curriculum and students’ need. Curriculum used in designing the Communication Practice Model was Curriculum 2006 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan=KTSP. The reason was that the curriculum was still used in vocational high school, especially in 96 Putratama Vocational High School. According to National Education Minister’s Rules, No. 22 in 2006, tenth grade students were in the level of novice. Thus, students belonged to beginner. The focus of this research was the Communication Practice Model that concerned students with speaking. The Communication Practice Model promoted students to communicate by practicing to speak. Relating to speaking, in Curriculum 2006 or KTSP, “students are expected to expected to express the meaning orally in the interpersonal and transactional expression, formally and informally in the form of conveying request and order or instruction that are related to daily life context ” National Education Minister’s Rules, No. 22 in 2006 about the standard of graduation of vocational high school. Therefore, the topics of the Communication Practice Model were considered based on the Curriculum 2006. However, every school had its right to create syllabus based on the students’ need as far as it was suitable with the standard competence and basic competence of Curriculum 2006. “Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Curriculum 2006 will be developed by each school based on curriculum guideline” Government’s Rules No. 19 in 2005. Thus, each school had the different syllabus. Here, the researcher utilized the syllabus of Curriculum 2006 of Putratama Vocational High School. The topics in the syllabus were matched with Putratama students’ need so the syllabus was suitable with the Communication Practice Model. The syllabus of Curriculum 2006 of Putratama Vocational High School can be seen on Appendix 5. 97 Based on the need analysis results which was gained from teachers and students of Putratama Vocational High School and the syllabus of Curriculum 2006 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan=KTSP for the Vocational High Schools Grade Ten, the researcher determined the topics for the Communication Practice Model. The topics were decided by considering the need analysis results and adapting the syllabus of Curriculum 2006 in Putratama Vocational High School. Then, the determine topics were fifteen topics. Finally, the fifteen topics were verified into fifteen units which were Greetings, About Me, Describing People, Describing Things, Offering, Suggestions, Opinions, Advertisement, Invitations, Apology and Permission, Memo, My Holiday, Handling Telephone, Directions and Job Interview.

b. Goals and General Purposes