1 27 4 Research and Information Collecting

88 relation of speaking and communication. Ten students 25 strongly agreed, twenty eight students 70 agreed and two students 5 disagreed that speaking influences tenth grade students’ communication. Twenty one students 52.50 agreed that speaking tended to be the focus of communication for tenth grade students of the vocational high schools. Nine students 22.50 strongly agreed, twenty seven students 67.50 agreed and four students 10 did not agree that tenth grade students of the vocational high schools should be able to speak to communicate with other people. Besides, twenty nine students 72.50 agreed that practicing speaking was needed to be able to communicate. The summary of percentage can be summarized as follows. Table 4.6 Students’ responses for item 9-16 Number of Question Students Responses SA A DA SDA 9 24 60 15

37.50 1

2.50 10 20 50 19 47.50 1 2.50 11 20 50 20 50 12 19 47.50 21 52.50 13 10 25 28 70 2 5 14 19 47.50 21 52.50 15 9

22.50 27

67.50 4

10 16 21 52.50 29 72.50 The next items 17-20 considered about the Fluency Development. Twenty two students 55 strongly agreed if reading was required in communication. Twenty three students 57.50 strongly agreed if listening was required in communication. Fifteen students 37.50 strongly agreed, twenty four students 60 agreed and one student 2.50 did not agree that writing was required in communication. Besides, eight students 20 strongly agreed, twenty 89 eight students 70 agreed and four students 10 did not agree that speaking was required in communication. The next items 21-24 included practice as the focus. Three students 7.50 strongly agreed, thirty two students 80 agreed, four students 10 disagreed, and one student strongly disagreed 2.50 if speaking practice helped tenth grade students of the vocational high schools able to communicate fluently. Seventeen students 42.50 strongly agreed if presenting helped tenth grade students of the vocational high schools able to communicate fluently. Nine students 22.50 strongly agreed, twenty eight students 70 agreed, two students disagreed 5, and one student 2.50 strongly disagreed if performing role play in front of class helped tenth grade students of the vocational high schools communicate fluently. Besides, fifteen students 37.50 strongly agreed that writing practice helped tenth grade students of the vocational high schools able to communicate fluently. The next items 25-32 considered the Communicative Language Teaching and the Contextual Teaching Learning as the focuses. Seventeen students 42.50 strongly agreed, twenty two students 55 agreed, and one student 2.50 disagreed that tenth grade students should use common language in the classroom. Related to the statement that tenth grade students should be accommodated to communicate in the classroom, twelve students 30 strongly agreed, twenty five students 62.50 agreed, two students 5 disagreed and one student 2.50 strongly disagreed about the statement. However, six students 15 strongly agreed, thirty students 75 agreed and four students 10 disagreed that tenth grade students should use meaningful language. After that, nine students 90 22.5 strongly agreed, twenty eight students 70 agreed and three students 7.50 disagreed that fluency was important in communicating. Twenty four students 60 strongly agreed that relating learning to real life facilitated tenth grade students to be able to communicate. Then, twenty students 50 strongly agreed, nineteen students 42.50 agreed and one student 2.50 disagreed that activities in the classroom should invite tenth grade students to connect language to daily life context. Next, nine students 22.50 strongly agreed, twenty nine students 72.50 agreed, and two students 5 disagreed that language used in classroom should be related to daily life context. Besides, fifteen students 37.50 strongly agreed and twenty five students 62.50 agreed that material used should be related to daily life context. The summary of percentage can be shown as follows. Table 4.7 Students’ responses for item 17-32 Number of Question Students Responses SA A DA SDA 17 22 55 18 45 18 23 57.50 17 42.50 19 15

37.50 24